Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Blog

I have created a new blog to deal with my writing, and to keep a worklog of the same.

This is where I'll be posting all of my writing from here on out. Keep a look-out for new entries! I'm preparing for publishing, using an internet-based company.

Writing the Distance,

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A Frightening Coincidence

Okay. I wrote up a new poem, only song-styled, very recently. I wrote it, reworked it a little, and then put it up on my DA account,
As this:

Now, one of the commentors, a friend of mine from Real Life, told me about something similar.
I googled the band and song.

I have never before heard of this band. I've never heard the song.
And they are extremely similar.

What a coincidence, huh?
I've gotta admit, it's very odd.