Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Blog of Many Trades: Closed. New Blog opening shortly.

Blog of Many Trades is hereby closed. There will be no more new posts, all comments will be in comment moderation limbo, and everything will remain as it is.

I am making a new blog, which will have moderation enacted due to past events, and it will be moving back onto the course I feel is the one that I'm pursuing; Rights for people with ASDs, whether they be pro or anti cure.

I have yet to christen the new blog and begin posting, but once I've thought of a name, and chosen the first topic to cover, it will be open. I'm looking forward to it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Official Hiatus

This blog is officially going on hiatus. In other words, I'm putting it on hold indefinitely.

I may make a new blog in order to pass the time, but for now, this blog is stopped.

And to the actual people who read this blog, I regret things have come to this. But who knows what the future holds, hm?

Goodbye for now.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Final Statement from Timelord

This is my final statement to you, Joeker. Respond... This is my final statement to you, Joeker. Respond to it all you want - I will not reply, not here or anywhere else.

1. It's a matter of opinion. Who needs help is not up to the person who's attacking them. She deserves as much as any other person. Just because she's LFA does not make her any less a person.

It does when she tells lie after lie about Amanda, showing clear as day that she is not operating within her functioning level. If you can't see that then you have a serious comprehension and understanding problem.

2. There's not much way to take calling every LFA "inherently unintelligent." Either you're a liar, caught up in anger, or just your average bigot.

Yes there is, and you took it as an attack when it wasn't. It was a statement of fact. You chose to interpret it as an attack because you connected the comment with Droopy's antics. Her antics are not typical of an LFA who has accepted their DX.

3. You started swearing. She's as free as you were to take shots at each other, but no, you had to make it into personal insults of a profane nature.

Lisa was insulting, malicious and rude - and you let it go. By the way - "bitch" is not a swear word. Look it up if you don't believe me.

4. I wanted to speak to you about the article, and it was your choice to write the article, then post the link to it. You wanted me to read it, you wanted to make it personal, and you did so. I wanted to patch things up, but so much for that.

No, YOU made it personal (see the previous three points - at the time) because you couldn't handle the criticism. My intention was to move on and have nothing to do with you. It was closure for me - and you wouldn't allow it. I knew you wouldn't listen, which is why I didn't bother. I said you were "The Weakest Link" at the time - and you remain so now.

5. If you're not stalking me, then how is it that you know exactly what I do, when I do it? You're always s promt about it, and it's no big secret that your wiki members are watching me. They were quite open about it.

Watching your blog - not you. And you made no secret of what you were doing so every man and his dog would have known! Whether it be on your blog, Hating Autism and AFF until you were banned. You knew I was already looking at Hating Autism, and you knew I was a member of AFF. And yet you accuse me of stalking you? Where else had I been at the time, hmmmm? Nowhere, and you can't prove that at all.

6. Gee, calling someone an idiot, insulting their IQ, and writing an article simply to state that they're a disappointment isn't defamatory? Gee, I guess the law must be wrong then. I'll have them fix it up so that publishing personal attacks is a-ok.

No, expression of a genuine opinion is not defamatory. You notice that I am not accusing you of it. You are expressing an opinion of me and have done so constantly - and do you see me accusing you? No. You're guilty of other things, but not that. I rather think that you know less about the law than I do. The way you handled your application to the Magistrate's Court to supress your mailing address proved that.

7. So, being ignored by you, openly mocked by your wiki-members, and having no means by which to have any of this private, due to your snobby attitude, it's somehow inexcusable that after being an asshole over things and then everything else, it never ocurred to you that I might be angry? (Deleting it doesn't exonerate me? You lie as you go back on your word. You're filthy scum, you hypocrite. First you wanted me to delete it, now you're holding it over my head? Asshole.)

Oh I knew you were angry. You had no reason to be angry at me. You should have been angry at yourself. But no, just like Fore Sam you seek to apportion the blame onto someone else. You won't take responsibility for your own actions. And I'm holding it over your head because even though you deleted it, the crap still goes on. Take responsibility for your actions!

8. Wiping my blog doesn't mean I'm going to just disappear. What I said on what I first wrote about, I believed. What you provoked me into was your fault. Accusing me of not having AS because I don't say yessir to you? I fought for my survival, and to overcome my challenges, and I'm not going to have some self-important, trumped-up bloke tell me what I am or am not. You got pissed over blase and honest opinion, and decided to make an issue with telling people how to run their lives.

Disappearing altogether was not my intent. All I wanted was for you to stop commenting about me. That's what the clean slate was all about. You wash your hands of me, and I wash them of you. Then you blab about me to Flardox. So much for the clean slate. And everything else you mentioned happened AFTER that - so don't tell me I provoked you. You threw the first stone, Joeker! I got pissed because I have fought just as much as you claim you have - and for a lot longer as well.

9. Trying to turn him against you? You made him the battlefield, Timelord. You went to him in prvate messages, whispering tales in his ears, making him want to attack me. You're the one who played a game with him. You played him, and he did something he regretted. I forgive him, and I'm grateful to him, for doing what he's done. He faced his actions, took the responsibility for them.

Yes. It's a shame you don't have his backbone. I didn't make him the battlefield. You did that by trying to convince him I was a bad person. All I did was give Flardox the other side of the story. Facts - no opinions on my part. And then I let him make his own decision on the matter. He made the choice himself to attack you. If anyone was playing games with him, it was you - and he knew it once he worked out what was really going on. He has now moved away from the battle, and he has my respect for it.

10. Are you speaking of being driven into a complete and utter breakdown on my blog, before I got up and was nearly out of the room to find a knife after what Borusa said? If you are, then you are truly the weak I called you for. If this is about what I said on HA, then know this; I never had things fall into my lap. My family is not rich. My life was not easy. Everything I have, I worked for. Friendship. Money. Acceptance. Understanding. Respect. To stand on a stage, bare my soul, recite the poems I wrote from deep in my chest, and to see, to hear, to feel the results. All of it was because I made it happen. I didn't let AS hold me back, I didn't use it as an excuse for anything.

FIrst off, it was about the HA comments. And that was when (and this is why I said this was the big one) you became a personal enemy. Not an Aspie Enemy - a personal enemy. That was the frame of mind I was in when my real life friends volunteered to get involved. They knew I wasn't weak. My life hasn't been easy either, and I have worked hard to achieve what I have achieved - and as I said above I've done it for much longer than you have. AS doesn't hold me back from that either, and yet you accuse me of being weak. You have no idea what my life is like and has been like. You have a bad habit of assuming - something I used to do when I was your age. And guess what. It got me into trouble. Just like it is now for you.

Borusa has lost the position he had in the community as a result of what he said to you. He did the wrong thing and was punished for it. I haven't seen him for awhile - the rumour is he's left town.

As far as my strength goes - it comes from within. I have stood on my own if needed. I went into court on my own to defeat a REAL stalker. I went into battle with the Defence Department on my own. And here you are discussing support structures and calling them WEAK? They are an indication of strength - friends who accept me for who I am. Do you have friends like that? I doubt it. The friends you have are probably social objects who you would discard at a moment's notice. I don't think you know what a real friend is.

Doing things completely alone is not strong. It takes guts to admit you need help. I have done that - and I am not referring to the so-called "hot tubbers". I am referring to my Wiki friends. I am also referring to lawyers I have spoken to (I'm speaking generally, not specifically about you). Your pride at doing things by yourself will come back and bite you on the rear end. It already has once - and I have your mailing details as a result. The registrar advised you to go and get legal advice. It was good advice, and you should take it instead of trying to do things completely alone.

But you don't want to? That's gutless. Bother the consequences - if you feel you have been criminally violated, you go to the authorities! Being concerned about consequences is the sure sign of a coward who won't back up their words with action. Posturing doesn't work with me, nor does it work for me.

Pride is my strength - pride in my values and ethics. You may be on a different level in that regard, but that doesn't mean mine are wrong for me. You are in a battle that you can not win, because I have the guts and the means to do whatever it takes to protect myself. Sometimes I stuff up, and when I do I admit it. I stuffed up trusting Borusa. But when it comes to your behaviour - you should be ashamed. You refuse to admit your foul ups, and that shows a complete lack of pride.

So - in my final statement to you I say this. Go back to your clean slate. What's here now can stay if you like - but there is to be no more commentary on me anywhere. Not here, Flardox's blog, Hating Autism, Wrong Planet or AFF - or anywhere else. And Flardox recently alerted me to your contributions to Encyclopedia Dramatica, so that is being watched as well now. You want to call that stalking? No, it's called self defence because you simply can not be trusted to keep your mouth shut. So prove me wrong - and shut it.

I'll give you some time to change your ways, but remember - I have the Supreme Court to go to if this keeps up, and I will gag you about me if you won't gag yourself. I mean it. The only thing I won't tell you is when. That is entirely up to you. Shut it, and we won't have go through the legal proceedings.

That's all - hopefully this is goodbye for good.
Publish Reject (Timelord) 1/23/08

Funny thing about final statements... They never seem to be final when it comes to you. What is this, your fifth final message? But I digress; It would appear that you've waived your right of response. I won't hold you to that, though; It'd be unfair.

1. So, if she's not operating within her functioning level, would she not need help? Does she then not deserve any help, because she's not in a little box you demand she be in? You just called her lesser because she doesn't live up to your standards of function. I don't need to say how wrong it is.

What does Amanda herself say about labels and being within a diagnosis? She scoffs at the notion, because in her experience, things are very different. A diagnosis is not the same for everyone, and the labels are not end all descriptions of a person.

2. Ah, a statement of fact? So it's fact that all LFAs are inherently unintelligent, then? They're all stupid? The answer is no. That's downright disgusting. It's ableist, no matter how you cut it.

"Her antics are not typical of an LFA who has accepted their DX."

Cry about it. Not everyone has to live by the model you've planned out for them. You're not the boss of her, or of any other autistic. You can live a stereotype if that's what you want, but when you use it to discriminate against people, it's not okay.

3. You were free to jibe back withyour own rudeness, your own quips at what she has said or done. You were not allowed to refuse to answer a sincere question(which, by the way, we asked because we didn't know you'd made a correction, which was wrong anyways), you were not allowed to swear as you pleased(that word's not profane? Are you lying, or just plain stupid?), and you persisted in repeating it over and over again, because she didn't notice your correction to the supremacist you were being accused of being(considering what you just said about LFAs, she was right, too).

4. So, by you, on my blog, discriminating against LFAs, swearing at other posters, and harassing Droopy, I was simply supposed to take it? Sorry, but that's just not reasonable, especially when you went out of your way to insult my intelligence, my character, and warped the events so that you were the victim, when you were the one pressing the issues and doing wrong. So that article was all but a massive lie, which is to you, closure. Wow.

5. That's like saying; "Not watching you, just your house." This is where I am online, like HA and AFF, and these places are where you watch me. So, you admit to stalking, then? Cool.

You were looking for me in the Canadian White Pages, that much you admitted on your wiki. After the address of a relative sharing my name was posted by an anonymous poster, going under a name taken from what I said on HA, and posted that relative's address... I told them it was wrong. How many days after that until you filed that gag order? And what did you get out of it? That's stalking, my sallow watcher.

6. There's a difference between putting it into an article, and the way you phrased the insults was plain out statement of fact. "... Joeker dipped below 80 IQ on this..." You've got to admit, saying an opinion is an opinion is fine, but when that opinion becomes tangled with accusations, the whole mess is worthless. You mocked me, taunted me. You refused to talk about what had happened, and made snide remarks about my attempts to contact you. You antagonized and provoked me, and you managed to get me banned from AFF. After that, you were on cloud nine, until the members brought you down off of it. Even now, you're not active on AFF because your name is mud there.

My apologies, but your legal system is garbage. I was told to provide my mailing address, or suffer fierce legal consequences. No one told me what laws I had broken, what defence I would be able to have, or even if I could get a lawyer pro-bono. I was a defendant without any legal resources, and I still managed to get the case thrown out, though you did get my address.

If I had known what I was providing in the form of links was not admissible evidence, I would have sent documents. Of course, your filing also included that you had contacted my goverment, over your idiotic belief that I posed a threat to myself and others.

7. No reason? No reason!? What the fuck do you call that bigotry you spewed about LFAs, breaking the rules and throwing them in my face, and then going off to write how disappointed you were, over my response to your asinine and inexcusable actions here. I took responsibility, and I tried to get you to take down your article, and leave me, and Lisa, and Droopy alone. But you didn't. You took some perverse delight in the reaction to your article. You made your snide messages to me, denied me the right to respond back, and played the hurt victim when you were the disgusting ableist, the profane pighead, and the whiny little shit who made a big huff and left.

Take responsibility for yours. For trying to have my ISP cut me off, for trying to have me committed, for sending Borusa and friends, for your PMs on AFF to others(telling them I was "crazy" and other lies), for pushing Flardox to want to attack me, for your Great Aspie War.

You are the one that built this up to what it is. You drove it on, provoked me whenever I started to slow, taunted me and mocked me, lied to me. Does it make you feel like a hero? All you are is a weak coward hiding behind forum rules, other people, and crimes.

8. If you wanted me to stop commenting about you, you would've stopped giving me a reason to. You didn't wash your hands of me, after I washed my hands of you, and you know it. I "blabbed" to him, because it was exactly what had happened before. You found me, talked to me, became friendly, did some stuff together, and then, when I found out that you're just another bigot, only for the opposite side, [i]this[/i] was the result.

Was I wrong? Look at your actions. You did it to me, I warned Flardox, and then you did it to Selo. You have proven me right by your actions. I told him the way you do things, what you do to those who disagree, especially teens. You've proven it yourself with Selo.

After I learned that you were PMing people on AFF, and telling them the things you told them, I was disgusted. I told Flardox, because of those PMs. I didn't want to say anything about them, because I didn't want you to know I knew. But if telling people that I'm crazy isn't provacational, then Borusa's a Russian Prima Ballerina.

9. Let Flardox judge that for himself. Was it all just facts, or did it also have opinions? Are some of those "facts" disputable, or are they even true? Only you and Flardox have those PMs. Post them to show that you're telling the truth, or Flardox can post them to show that you're telling the truth, or I can simply call your bluff and state that the facts were not presented the same, and were twisted. Likely you attributed false intentions to my actions and words.

You gave him a choice that wasn't a choice. You showed him a villain, a monster, gave him all he would need to go hunt it. You cried crocodile tears, and let him choose a moral path that you set out. He had the choice alright, but the choices you gave him were all wrong. No right answer to the problem, he chose the best option, the morally correct one, the only choice that he'd have in the face of the monster you built me up to be.

I don't play games with people. I don't make people do things they don't want to do. I am here, and I brought no one. I called for no one. I refused to ask people to get involved. I warned people off, warned them away. I don't want to expose anyone to someone like you.

I don't want to play games, and I don't. If someone asks, I will answer. If someone does not want to know, I will not tell them.

I don't bring in a group of eight friends to harass you, I don't bring in wiki members to vouch for anything. I don't bring in members of other sites, I don't whisper derogatory remarks about you into their ears.

It's a shame you don't have the backbone to resolve things one on one, rather than eight on one.

10. You were giving the opinion that he should tell his brother, who wanted to commit suicide over his life before he knew he had AS, all about how great AS is, how he's been trained to hate himself. What was your reaction when they didn't rush out and tell their brother? You flipped out. So much for your opinion being just opinion. You wanted to exert your love of AS onto someone who had been miserable for it.

Personal enemy? So that means it's okay then? No, it is not. Call me whatever you like, what you did, and what they did, was wrong.

I accuse you of being weak, because you provoked me into it with your lies. You couldn't believe that I was an Aspie, after what I said, so you decided I wasn't. It was a lie, and you haven't the strength, the will, the courage, to stand on your own two feet. You have to rely on others to fight your battles, to deal with your problems. You hide from your actions, and use others to do your dirty work. Flardox, Eagle Eye, Scratcher, Wally, The Animus, The Oracle, Lynx, Borusa, and more. Compared to what I have dealt with from you, I am stronger. I've not resorted to the low tactics you have, I've not tried to directly interfere in your life. No calls to your ISP, your goverment, no real life friends harassing you on your own blog and trying to get you to kill yourself. You are not strong for what you have done, not brave for hiding behind others, not the will to admit your actions are wrong.

Borusa was punished by losing his place in your community. He was cast off, and is gone. But his words still remain, and you have not issued forth one word of apology for his actions on your behalf. You haven't distanced yourself, just expressed your anger over his mistakes, and punished him for his actions. You are as criminally culpable as the rest of those who were aiding and abetting these activities.

You fought a stalker alone. You fought your goverment alone. You fought me with all the wikimembers you could, with your IRL friends, with people you gathered from blogs and forums. You throw all of your might against me, all your strength, your friends, and allies.

And I'm still standing.

If my friends weren't true friends, I wouldn't call them friends. We're diverse, and sometimes friends fight, but we're too close to let little spats drive us apart.

I do this alone, because I don't want to cause anyone else trouble. If anyone wants to help, I am grateful. But I'm not one to force people's choices unintentionally through their moral obligations.

I got no lawyer, because I couldn't. A Canadian lawyer wouldn't know the Australian laws well enough, and the court would not help me find a lawyer. I answered as best I could, though if I had known that links were inadmissable, I would have sent plenty of documents.

You are truly a piece of work.
But you don't want to? That's gutless. Bother the consequences - if you feel you have been criminally violated, you go to the authorities! Being concerned about consequences is the sure sign of a coward who won't back up their words with action. Posturing doesn't work with me, nor does it work for me.

Do you truly want a criminal trial? The law is clear.
Am I a coward, for being concerned enough over the consequences of going to the police? If I go to the police, what will happen to you? What will happen to the people who came here and harassed me? Are you so quick to cast aside your friends to the law, for what they did on your behalf? You're heartless.

I will have to go to the police, but I keep delaying. Once I set it into motion, there will be no stopping it.

Pride gave you strength, and then it blinded you. Now, pride rules you. It's all personal to you, you can't distance yourself, and you won't stop. I'm writing this after the fact, as well.

My pride does not get in the way. I am proud of what I achieve, what I do with my own two hands, or my own actions. Aspergers? I feel no pride over it. It's useless to feel proud of it, as much as it's useless to hate it, or to really take it as any more than a fact of life. I have it, but that doesn't mean I have to surrender myself, and let it rule my life.

You won't listen. You won't change. You won't learn anything from this, and you haven't.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

There Goes The Neighborhood

The first post on the matter of harassment, by one of the people involved in the harassment, is not particularly encouraging. I take this as affirmation of the events that occured, and of the actions taken by the people who were sent to this blog for the express purposes of; coercion, harassment, threats, attempts to cause me to commit suicide, and other events caused by their presence.

Furthermore, this is a direct threat towards me should I choose to reveal potentially incriminating evidence of the individuals online activities. The information has been carefully examined, and due to several highly unique and identical factors, is in my mind and the mind of someone posting anonymously, to be factually correct. The information is further correlated by information which was posted on a forum by the individual, information freely distributed by the individual, and information from Uncyclopedia.

Here is what was said by Timelord in response to the thread: Harassment.

Timelord said...
Joeker if you so much as utter one syllable to suggest that it was me - I'll sue you.

I mean it.

It was not me, and I can prove it with the records on my computer for the time period concerned. If you wish to push me that far you are welcome to try. You know that I will act, and act swiftly.

This is far more serious than anything I have ever done to you. Ever. I will not tolerate flagrant lies being spread about me.

I state this categorically and I will repeat it in the witness box in court - I have NEVER EVER edited at Uncyclopedia. Just because someone has the same beliefs I do (not all as I stated on Wrong Planet) it does not prove that it's me. I know several Aspies who share my beliefs - and several NT's as well.

I could have done without this the day before I head off on a holiday!

February 22, 2008 12:32 AM

Clearly, this individual is hostile, threatening, and completely unjustified, as well as evidencing a vested interest in preventing the information I have collected from being published.

They are pre-emptively threatening to sue, and on short notice. They further back up their intent on suing should I release the information, ensuring that I take it seriously. They offer computer records, which, undoubtedly do not stretch back to 2006, and even then the IP adress was not consistent with the PC, but of a public library's public computers. They then attempt to put the onus on my actions, which is clearly an attempt at coercion by placing me in an untenable position, therefore forcing me to hold back this information under pain of legal reprisal.

The interpretation of the evidence I have gathered as "lies" is unfounded, and it is simply a collection of statements made, information freely offered, public data, and other data which has been expressed online. The information is merely correlated facts, statements, and opinions held by certain people, collected from open forums and wiki sites.

But I digress; Still there has been no apologetic response to Harassment, and after such a period of time where there has been less than no effort made to apologize(Rather, the individual escalated conflict).

I have given time, given opportunity, given chance after chance. Over a month, since the article went up. Over three months since it happened. Over seven months since it all started.

I'm done with games.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Due to the lack of apology over what happened here, from the man who orchestrated a group of people who forced the blog into a temporary and rolling hiatus, as well as Comment Moderation lock-down, I have one or two things to say.

First, I take the lack of any meaningful response from any of the posters and especially the stance taken by the person who brought the attack about, I am accepting that this means that the person responsible for the attack, and those directly involved, condoned, condone, and will continue to condone the actions on this blog, specifically the disgusting insults, acknowledgements of harassments, threats of harassment, the harassment itself, and the manner of the harassment at it's worst.

This means that all parties involved in the attack on this blog aided and abetted the actions that took place here. Email records transmitted automatically and directly from the blog are back-ups for the comments themselves. The person behing the attacks is one **** ******, of Australia. The main culprit, aided and abetted by the others, is known only by his screen-name, Borusa, and is a friend of the main perpetrator. The attack was carried out in order to coerce me into silence, and a gag order was later filed against me after this attempt at coercion failed, a mockery of law in my opinion.

Comment Moderaton remains up, and will likely not come down for some time.

An apology is wanted from me, by the person who orchestrated the attack, for actions I took, which, under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, are legally sound, valid, and within the law. The actions taken by this person are not legal, valid, or within the law. Therefore, this person has not apologized since then, and I take it as my right to assume that they have no intent on apologizing(until I have apologized, which I will not be doing, due to the nature of my actions, and due to the actions taken against me by this person). Since a great deal of time has passed since the harassment, with no apology, no expression of regret, and continued provocation and harassment, I will now state that this person is hostile towards me, and as such, is writing articles and commenting about me with no regard to my emotional state or wellbeing, and with the intent to inflict psychoogical and emotional pain. This harassment has been occurring since mid-july of 2007, and evidence to prove this, as well as the original article, and other relevant and pertinent information, has been destroyed by his person, and has left very little evidence.

The accusations of what I need to apologize for are also without grounds. The reasoning is backwards, and has to do with rights which he assumed he had on this blog, which he did not, including profanity, hate speech, and ironically, harassment.

More may be coming to this post in the future, and changes may be made. Nothing here is finalised. If you wish to discuss the material in this, you may post in the comments. I request that those posting anonymously use the "Other" option and make up a name, to avoid any confusion. If you are one of those mentioned in the post, feel free to vent as hard as you want, as I will delete any comments with excessive profanity, excessive insults, or any other content which is not acceptable.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Timelord said...
OK - my constant posting has resulted in Best deleting the thread with the pictures of his son, Sam. So now I guess this post will never get through - so here it is;

Oh once again - the stupidity of Best is to the fore! (Pun intended!)

Maxima gets a stamp of approval for dealing with the IP issue, but.....

As if I abuse disabled children and not their scumbag parents.

All three abuse Megan Leitch. Painfully simple!

Now do tell us where Kev did that on his blog? I'll answer that one - NOWHERE!!

(Now this time be a man - not a mouse - and let the truth through, Best!)

I wonder if the posting of this here will cause the return of the thread? Will be interesting to see!

18 January 2008 03:31


Joeker said...
Those were provoked, yes. Why does the evidence of what Kev did not appear there? He deleted it to save face. He snuck into a discussion group, grabbed a list of symptoms(for Autism, not AS) that the children of the parents(like Fore) had, and posted this list on his blog, openly mocking these children's problems.

Fore isn't the only one who can delete things.

18 January 2008 11:30


Timelord said...
I was looking at Kev's blog long before you were and he deleted NOTHING. You're sucking up to Best because he's my enemy.

The only abuse that was there was at parents, not children.

The end.

18 January 2008 12:18


Joeker said...
Does that distinction really matter, and can it really be justified by (you)someone without kids?
And does it really matter distinguishing whom someone(kevin) is insulting when it's still wrong?

Long before I was? Sure, that's likely, I admit. As soon as the blog was made, from the very start? Not so likely. Sure, you may have been looking at it long before I was, but tell me, how long was it since the blog started, before you began to read it?

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Review this phrase, your blogs, and then report back to the classroom to make a written report on attacking people for the same reason you defend people, and attacking people by doing what they do.

And if you never lie, tell me: Just who was the one who sent the hot-tubbers to my blog? And if what Borusa did was so wrong, then why did you let it slide?

Not even an apology. No expression of remorse, sympathy, or anything showing that you cared one whit about the person on the recieving end of your harassment, just anger that your plan failed.

I'm just an object, not worthy of any human attributes, just a worthless piece of trash, with no feelings to be hurt, a faceless foe to be beaten into submission to swell your pride, bloating your self-esteem by trying to destroy the self-esteem of others.

Do you know how close Borusa came that night? Do you know how fucking close!? If I hadn't come so close to that brink as many times as I have, I wouldn't be here writing this right now.

And what have you had to say? Nothing. Well, I guess I understand. After all, you get so fired up about not lying.

20 January 2008 20:13


Timelord said...
You apologise first, Joeker. A FULL apology. That's all I will say. All that has happened was brought on by you. If you won't apologise for that, then why should I?

(Sorry, Flardox, needed to be said)

21 January 2008 13:45


You're seriously misunderstanding the events that occurred.
The things you require me to apologize for are not required to be apologized for.

I am the blog owner, and what I say, goes. I told you not to swear, as no one else was resorting to such foul language, least of all the person you targeted. You were not above the rules. Either apologize, or drop this issue.

I am the blog owner, and what I say, goes. I informed you that hate speech, such as targeting and stereotyping a specific group(LFAs), was not permitted. You defied this rule, so either apologize, or drop this issue.

I apologized for any percieved vandalism, and accepted my ban. If I am still banned, then I assume that the ban is what is required. If something else is required, then my ban isn't justified, and I expect it lifted. I sincerely doubt that the ban will be lifted, so the ban is adequate compensation.

You are free to tout any opinion you desire, so long as the distinction is clear. I do not approve of misconstruing opinion as fact, and so long as you write opinion pieces as factual, you are falsely representing your stance as being infallible, and therefore lying.

You are trying to justify what you have done, and are doing, by blaming me. You deny the responsibility of your actions, of what you've done. You're the one who's been making all the moves.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Biker Gang: Pathetic Scumbag

So, Biker Gang. Had enough? Giving up? Good; You make Tinkerbell look like the Mafia. Seriously, you're about as smart as a bag of hammer handles. You aren't even as smart as a bag of hammers; They have heads.

I hope the handles aren't offended by being told they're equal to your intelligence.