Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Biker Gang: Pathetic Scumbag

So, Biker Gang. Had enough? Giving up? Good; You make Tinkerbell look like the Mafia. Seriously, you're about as smart as a bag of hammer handles. You aren't even as smart as a bag of hammers; They have heads.

I hope the handles aren't offended by being told they're equal to your intelligence.


NT-ND said...

I've been wondering who this biker gang is

want me to try and find some Info out for you joeker?


Joeker said...

If you really want to, sure. But I don't think you'll have much more success than anyone esle has had, no offense.

NT-ND said...

fair enough!

It's just there is something not quite right aobut this guy

something tell's me he s not who he says he is

also I need to do something to show my full contempt for my actions! :)

Anonymous said...

How about your own blog, NT-ND?

NT-ND said...

what about it?

Anonymous said...

Show your full contempt on your own blog, dummy!

NT-ND said...

ah sorry!

iv'e had a cold for the last few days I think some of the mucus stuck to my brain!! :P

anyways I am beginning to start finding out hopefully I will find something!!!

NT-ND said...

oh and forgot to mention maybe it is one of the user's from Encyclopedia dramatica?

or did "biker-gang" start posting on this website after you went on E.D?

NT-ND said...

a simple question but can you view peoples IP addresses as a administrator?

I have a friend who may bem able to track it for you


Joeker said...

I wish I could. Sadly, I cannot. If I could, I'd be matching it up to IPs used by posters, to determine if they're sock puppets. Blogger ought to set up a security feature, even one that would just screen the IPs and tell you which posters use a certain IP. Not even giving out the IP, just screening them to find if someone is posting with multiple names.

That'd be handy.