Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

History Repeats

Note: This is a rather long response to the previous comment. It was too long to fit into a comment.

I have, in the course of my life, attempted suicide several times. Most of my attempts were before the age of 10, with two after then; twice when I was 12-13. The last time I considered suicide to date was November the twenty first, 2007.

As a child, I was driven to the brink,(and over it) with nonfatal, and less than painful results, such as rope burn, bruises, and in one instance, an upset stomach. I was driven by my peers, other children. I was a target, I was different, I was weak, and I was an easy mark. I had no friends. It was the most painful part of my life.

I grew up mostly lonely. I learned to fend for myself. I learned that I had AS, and I worked towards my goals of achieving a niche in my world. I succeeded, and continue to succeed. I brought success to myself through my sheer tenacity and determination.

In the early morning of November the 21st, I rose from my chair, intending to... I can't say what. I had been sitting for so long, that when I stood, I had a cramp. That jolt of pain shocked me out of my complete and utter disinterest in continued life, and I started to cry for what I had almost done. For what those sons of bitches wanted me to do.

He led a group of adults, mature, reasoning, responsible people, to the blog of a teenager, and encouraged them to harass and abuse me to achieve certain goals. Their most desired objective was for me to stay silent on Phil's abuses of myself and other autistics and aspies. Their next objective was to see if I was an aspie by driving me into a meltdown. Their third objective, contrived by a sick freak that was leading this group, Borusa, was to get me to kill myself.

They achieved their first two goals, as I hit emotional rock bottom and could no longer cope with the simple task of hitting keys on the keyboard correctly, and I eventually left my blogs and ran, hid.

He has never apologized for this. He has never taken any action, nor made any effort to make restitution for this act. He brags of it, he claims that it was justified, he swears that eight grown, mature people harassing a teenager with aspergers is justifiable.

It is sickening.

You paid your debt to him by living. If he wanted anything else in return other than for you to keep living, then you owe him nothing. If you give yourself to this debt, do so by truly seeking change in the system that keeps him unemployed; The CMO decision to bar him from working.

Your system of honesty can never be embraced by Phil; He is not selfless, and he is greatly selfish. Should ever you take a stance that does fully ingrate yourself to his beliefs, he will write up his own little article on you, and throw you away like so much trash. He's done it before, and will do so again.

Flardox. Myself. Members of autistic community forums. All of us have been attacked by Phil. He even had the Aspies For Freedom site taken down, scaring and stranding people who relied on the site for support and socialization, simply because he wanted a few comments deleted now that he was banned. He forced a community to simply cease to be for a couple of days while he had the site owners remove the content he wanted gone.

He wrote an entire article mocking me, simply because he wanted so badly to say without any resistance, that a woman he had never met and had no legal or medical right to deny her diagnosis, was a liar. He refused to allow me not to say that this woman was either autistic, or not autistic. He refused to take any answers but "Yes, she is not autistic, and I am your friend" or "No she is autistic, and I am your sworn enemy." He would not simply let it lie, and let me take the stance I held through it all. I do not have the training or right to diagnose someone of autism over the internet.

He gave no evidence, just statements of personal belief. He had no evidence. He wanted me to ignore this woman because he didn't like what she had to say. I would not stand for it.

And now, years later, I am still this grand "enemy" he made me into in his "Great Aspie War." I am still listed as many a lie on his site, including the possible victim of a future legal action aimed at coercing my silence and some pocket cash. Years later, I still know that he knows where I live. He has my address. From that, he has my telephone number. From that, he has the names of my family. From that, he can harass them.

I have known Phil from a fateful July day in 2007, when a simple disagreement over my blog policy of allowing everyone a free say turned into a four year argument punctuated by his constant threats against me.
He contacted my ISP, trying to have them disconnect my service. He contacted my provincial government to try to convince them I was a threat to myself and others. He has created several articles about me, created a petition he copied from me, harassed me on forums that I visited, blogs that I visited, attempted to bar me from those same blogs, forums, and communities by attempting to file a restraining order.

I've known Phil longer than you, Cubie. And I know his dark side. It is terrible. It is cruel. And it is who he is behind his smiling facade.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, here I am.

Blog of many trades will now re-open, in pursuit of it's original purpose, with a twist. The current goal of this blog will be the pursuit of justice for those who have been harassed, cheated, defrauded, lied to, threatened, and any other actions committed by the owner of Phil's World, the advocate who fights for one.

I have no doubts that he will try his hardest to silence me again.

But I'm done running from this. From now on, should it be necessary, I will devote the full resources of my life to defending my reputation, my self-esteem, and my beliefs. I have continued to assert my ability to function in society, and will not allow a criminal and a failure to degrade what I have accomplished, in the face of what he has not. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I am not looking for a handout. I stand tall and proud in my achievement. And I will not let some common criminal stereotype me by my diagnosis, simply by virtue of sharing my diagnosis.

I got where I am by hard work, patience, and self-improvement. Timelord got where he is by wallowing in his own diagnosis and using it to justify his unemployability, his libel, his harassment, and even violence.

I put out a call, here and now, to anyone who has been tormented by Timelord in any way. Write your stories. Let the truth be known. Show him that he cannot treat people any way he pleases, simply because it pleases him. He created "The Truth About Timelord" to destroy his "enemies." I say, let us gather again; This time, he will not be a puppet-master pulling strings. This time, we will not be fooled.

Contact me here to share stories, hang up Phil's dirty laundry, and decide how to work together best.

Catch you later,