Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well, here I am.

Blog of many trades will now re-open, in pursuit of it's original purpose, with a twist. The current goal of this blog will be the pursuit of justice for those who have been harassed, cheated, defrauded, lied to, threatened, and any other actions committed by the owner of Phil's World, the advocate who fights for one.

I have no doubts that he will try his hardest to silence me again.

But I'm done running from this. From now on, should it be necessary, I will devote the full resources of my life to defending my reputation, my self-esteem, and my beliefs. I have continued to assert my ability to function in society, and will not allow a criminal and a failure to degrade what I have accomplished, in the face of what he has not. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I am not looking for a handout. I stand tall and proud in my achievement. And I will not let some common criminal stereotype me by my diagnosis, simply by virtue of sharing my diagnosis.

I got where I am by hard work, patience, and self-improvement. Timelord got where he is by wallowing in his own diagnosis and using it to justify his unemployability, his libel, his harassment, and even violence.

I put out a call, here and now, to anyone who has been tormented by Timelord in any way. Write your stories. Let the truth be known. Show him that he cannot treat people any way he pleases, simply because it pleases him. He created "The Truth About Timelord" to destroy his "enemies." I say, let us gather again; This time, he will not be a puppet-master pulling strings. This time, we will not be fooled.

Contact me here to share stories, hang up Phil's dirty laundry, and decide how to work together best.

Catch you later,

1 comment:

A better future for all said...


I am going to lay some of this out. On March 28 of last year which is my birthday I was going to end my life. I'm not going into the details at this time.

Timelord and I exchanged a whole lot of emails and talked me out of it. I owe this man a huge debt because he gave me a reason to live. He is my friend and I am honored bound to this debt. If and when I am able to I am going to help him with his situation someway,somehow.

Please continue to peruse and read my blog.

The truth is I have been given a new purpose. I am America's Gadfly just like Socrates was Ancient Athens' Gadfly. America has become like Ancient Rome, Babylon, and Sodom.

There are those whom I dub the advocates for self-responsibility whom I am challenging. They values and anti-values. Values are beliefs and things a person loves and holds dear. Anti-Values are beliefs a person detests and hates.

These guys promote good and excellent values for their own sinister purposes just like the politicans of ancient athens.

They go by our US constitution. It is supposed to be based upon three inalienable rights(life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).

There are flaws to this. For instance, what if one inalienable right conflicts with another? For instance, John Best Jr. believes he should have a chemical, radiological, nuclear, or biological weapon. Should he be allowed to have property rights to this like he claims? What if these things go off killing millions or billions of people?

The flaw is they're treated with equal weight. One must supercede the other. The answer to this is one person's rights end where another begins.

These guys believe in liberty and freedom above all else. I say, you can have so much freedom it becomes slavery.

The truth is I have to challenge what these guys say and I have been given a philosphical system called dynamic honesty which is neither selfishness nor selflessness. Joeker, it win-win and not win-lose.