Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Due to issues with the privacy of three people, and threats made towards them, this blog is now enacting Comment Moderation. Also, I would like to state now that the anonymous sock puppeteer has made yet another mistake, and has overplayed their hand. I now know enough to safely say that they know things which can only be known from deleted posts and comments on the blog Hating Autism, and the only person to boast of having these on record, is Timelord. Either he's shared it with someone, he is the puppeteer himself, or this is the work of a hacker, who is believed to have attacked the blog Hating Autism.

Someone is playing a game here, and I am not in the mood for Chess.

You are scum and filth, whoever you are.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Farce?

Is this entire thing just a joke? I seriously cannot see it in another way. I am being *removed due to legal reason* and he's doing exactly what he says I was doing!?

I am being insulted by the way this is being conducted. I will not stand for this kind of outrage!

He's refuting himself! He's showing that he lied to me! He's proving that he committed criminal actions, and he's tampered with evidence of it to boot!

I have a feature on my blog, that I love. I absolutely love it. It makes me so happy, and gives me both evidence and hope. It's a feature that forwards comments when they're made, to a private email address, where I have all the comments made on my blog all gathered up.

Yes, dear reader, all of them. I never delete them, because I'm lazy. But my dedication to procrastination will end the persecution.

Time to play the waiting game.


Checking back, ASD Hating has deleted the information. And, ooops, I didn't copy and paste the topic when I should have. Still, what I have should be adequate.

New info though, has now revealed that Reality Check is yet another sock puppet of his, as he answers for it on his blog. Ooh, burn.

As well, when I speak of a farce, I mean of the pretentious claims of this prideful firebrand as he boasts of his time in court and of how screwed I am because of his vast experience in court, while threatening to have me found in contempt of court by even stating that I am being taken to court by him. Hypocritical.

As well, I would like to fully disclaim Timelord's three new blogs. None permit comments, and forbid anyone from disagreeing with the views, and are an abuse to those mentioned there. The only purposes they serve are for publishing views which don't apply to the owner, lying about things and bashing anonymous people, and most of all, stalking, defaming, harassing, and threatening people.

Several people being attacked are:
-Ross Lumbus
-Fore Sam(Also uses Fore's real name)
-Anonymous Blog Commenters
-ASD people

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Liar, Criminal, and Aspie.

Juist give me your address Phil, and we can get this lawsuit started. The police will have your accomplices in this, and they will have started with the head of the group in the commission of the crimes against me.

All I need is that to start the ball rolling. And just so you know, I'm not telling you this to threaten you; I'm telling you this so that I can have my full legal satisfaction from you.

That's why there's a legal system.

I'm sure your government wouldn't mind extraditing an enemy of their government. Espicially if it's up to just their Department of Defense(or Defence, whichever spelling is used on your enemies list).

Come on, your friends were the ones to dare me. Wait, double dare. Or was it triple? Whatever. A dare's a dare, I guess.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star

Something important

Hello, Philip. I thought I should let you know, and I waited until the time was right to do so. I have a confession to make.

I was Anita Perez.

I hope I didn't say anything to upset you. It was a little trick to try and get Joe to realise that what he was doing was wrong. I drew on a low functioning Autistic man as the "friend" to add some spice to my story. My experience with Aspies is growing and it is a steep learning curve. This was another step in that learning curve. I have known for some time that manipulation is needed to educate younger Aspies. I thought that it worked, although I did notice you retracted the bolded update on the Disappointment article. It's a shame, but I guess not really unexpected. Do you have any plans for another update? I'm sorry if this question is out of line given your instructions about speaking of Joe, and my email is not working so when I had the chance I had to post here. You can remove this if you like. Twinkles 13:11, 21 November 2007 (IST)

Twinkles, I didn't know this. I'm sad that you thought I'd attack you without provocation. I'm still grateful, though, for you taking the time to play a charade, and tell me what it was that I still needed to clear up. I'm still grateful for what time it had for me before Phil reverted the article. And now, he's got these people on my blog... I don't want to talk about that again though.

You helped me end it and wipe the slate clean, to move on with my life.

I guess now though, I can really thank the real person who helped me out.
Thank you, Twinkles.

Comment Moderation

Recent Harassment, performed by a large group of people, with the intent to force me into silence by harassing me, dictated the introduction of Comment Moderation, and the subsequent closure of my blog. I will still be posting like this, but I won't be in comment threads for quite some time, lest there's something I must respond to directly.

I let through every comment, but I do not have to agree with them.

What happened on HA was between two people, arguing their views. That it has come to him getting his real life friends to engage in criminal harassment to force a teenager to buckle to his demands, and using a heated diuscussion between us to validate their criminal actions.

Links to the relevant articles on their activities.

I will not be forced against my will to do this. If I were to make such a promise, it would under duress, and it would not be expected by any moral or ethical individual to be kept.

I have some more things to do today, and I'll not be back on this blog often. In the very least, their attempts have driven me from what was a bit of a spare time activity to a chore, which will be gladly forgotten most of the time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

AFF: People, not Disorders.

You are cruel, cruel people. It sickens me that this is what AFF has come to; Crucifying an Aspie for not conforming to the group's ideals. Have you no shame? Read what you have wrote, and feel it then! You callously taunt and mock, and say vile, disgusting things and justify them with hatred.

I for one do not think I'm a neurobiological disorder. I am a person, a human being! I am not a disorder, I am a person! Is it fraud to be true to yourself? Is it a lie to want to be known not for a disorder, but for who you are as a person? I love a slow song, a sombre poem, a gorgeous moment in the dead of winter where the sky glistens with stars and the snow looks likes thousands of tiny crystals. I do love those thing, with all of my heart, me; not Aspergers.

You cannot see but black and white, and refuse to see anything more. If Wilky is not for you, then she is against you? Folly! By your own hatreds and lack of acceptance, you drive out those you once called brother and sister. By your own inability to be considerate to all Aspies, not just the ones you agree with, you make a haven into a hell. How many Aspies have you lost? How many have you driven out? What is Wilky railing against?
People come to AFF for support, for friendship, for community!
What is going on? AFF is not a haven, not anymore. It's a political thing, cold and uncaring. The members must follow the party line, or be cut loose.

When did we become a diosorder, and not a community? When did we follow out of necessity, rather than choice? When did we become disorders, and not people? Aspies have become more proud of their Aspergers than of themselves. We fear being cast out of our community, our friends, those we cherish and hold dear, because of political machinations.

We are people. We have families, pets, friends, possessions, toys, games, songs, goals, dreams, lives... We like to share a laugh or a joke, a song or a tear, our experiences and our stories. I love a good snowfall, another Aspie I know loves to create songs, and there's a Moderator here who's screen-name is that they like kittens. Are we a disorder, that we will no longer be without it? Or are we people, who make our own choices, walk our own paths, live our own lives? I am a person. I want to be known not for Aspergers, but for being who I am. I am not a disorder, but a person.

I am a brother. I am a friend. I am another person who is just like you.
We are people, not disorders.

So this is it, huh?

This is what Phil has been leading up to. His threat really comes into focus now.
I will not be crushed. I lived through worse, when I was younger. But this isn't legal, what's being done. It's thorough and directed harassment.

I really hate ND.


So, Phil's got some very eager friends.

Currently, they're insulting me, making demands of me, and making threats. I'm having a hard time of this. This is hardly what I'd call effective. All this is doing is making me yet more opposed to the Neurodiverse, and even more angry at Phil. Just what's the deal?

Well, I'm of a mind to begin the Comment Moderation. Just one more aggravation, and BAM! I'd be done with being nice.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Square One?

Apparently, Phil doesn't know the meaning of a clean slate.
He's removed the edit, and it's back to square one.

But at this point, I'm beyond caring. If he wants to go back on his word, it's his name to blacken. I apologized, and was sincere. But I'm not about to forgive all his trangressions because I can forgive a few. If he thought I'd forgive him for everything, then he was sadly mistaken. I am sorry that he thought I was infringing his opinions by refusing to give a clear opinion. I am very sorry that my conduct on Phil's World was rude. I am sorry that I interefered between Lisa and Phil.

But I am not sorry for everything else. If he thinks that my apology meant that I was going to leave the internet, or that I would no longer have any stances on important issues, or would stand for his abuses, then he was sadly mistaken.

And so, I'm done with Phil, and if he's not done with me, he can write whatever the hell he pleases to sate his sharp tounge and corpulent ego upon me. I don't truck with Supremacists, and their words only serve to show their abject hatreds.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Closure, deletions, and a fresh start.

I've finally gotten some measure of closure. It could have been a little less critical, but at least it's more than nothing.

Anyways, after ensuring that I've deleted anything and everything which ties me to that baloney, I'm making a fresh start. A Clean Slate. Tabula Rasa. You get the idea.

Anyways, with this all out of the way, I'm going to resume blogging. This should be interesting.
Well, it's good to have this off of my chest. A special thanks to Anita Perez, a nod in Fore Sam's general direction, a casual wave to Phil, and a shrug to everyone else.

From now on, I'm going to be doing things according to what I want to do, not what I get dragged into.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Moral Kombat: A Documentary

This is the trailer for a documentary which has caused quite an uproar in the gaming community, and is casting gamers as killers, pyschos, and more. I, as a gamer, find this attitude offensive, disrespectful, and unwarranted. It looks to be simply another attempt by self-righteous opponents of games to try to laden the burdens of soceity on a scapegoat.

They don't seem to realize that there are reasons for peoples actions. They fail to realize that the things they blame for the moral decay of soceity are not causing the moral decay, that the moral decay itself is spawning said amorality, and that if they want to know why a student would want to slaughter his peers, they should find out if their peers had made their lives hell for them, hurt them, scarred them, shaped the person who walks into a school with a firearm to kill whoever he can find, and then take their own life.

In all seriousness, the issue seems cut clear enough. What do people do when they want to find links to behaviour? They examine the behaviour, and find commonality between the behaviour where it is repeated. So far, I think it'd be obvious that with so many of the shooters having had terrible childhoods, bullying, and other factors like sexual abuse, and overt sociopathic or psychotic behaviours, that these things may have an influence.

I don't see happy school shooters. Do you?

Fine then, for utter clarity.
Peopel who are abused, bullied, tormented, are more likely to commit a school shooting. They are the most likely to end their own lives once they have done what damage they can. The school shootings done by them happen to have the highest amounts of people killed. Killers are born exactly like the rest of us, innocent, not evil, not murderers. It's what happens after being born that creates the seeds, and when they grow to fruition, the field is reaped by innocents, and/or the ones to sow it(if they're still in the same school as them).

I have researched many cases of shootings. And lo and behold, what do you think I've found?

And here's something I found. It's amazing wha\t you find when you actually do a bit of digging.,1,7688699.story?coll=la-news-comment&ctrack=1&cset=true

But still, even with LA times coverage, what are we as human beings doing to try to prevent this? Diddley squat.
We know Bullying is wrong. We know that people who were bullied killed people and left haunting messages, direct messages, that we all but ignore these in favour of comfortable ignorance, not having to do anything, no needto try to solve the problem,but relegate it to what we hear, or see, or read, or play. Here's the messages, the clearest, most straight out messages that they've given.

Minutes before he started the shooting, he gave the following message to a friend:

"I am not insane, I am angry. I killed because people like me are mistreated every day. I did this to show society, push us and we will push back. ... All throughout my life, I was ridiculed, always beaten, always hated. Can you, society, truly blame me for what I do? Yes, you will. ... It was not a cry for attention, it was not a cry for help. It was a scream in sheer agony saying that if you can't pry your eyes open, if I can't do it through pacifism, if I can't show you through the displaying of intelligence, then I will do it with a bullet."

Here's a scrolling set of Lyrics, the song is Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. Sad really, when a band makes a better job of examining school shootings than boards of people assembled for that specific purpose. I wonder just how hard it is for those commitees to ignore the messages delivered by bullets?

- My Chemical Romance Lyrics

Sunday, June 10, 2007

New Blog

I have created a new blog to deal with my writing, and to keep a worklog of the same.

This is where I'll be posting all of my writing from here on out. Keep a look-out for new entries! I'm preparing for publishing, using an internet-based company.

Writing the Distance,

Saturday, June 2, 2007

A Frightening Coincidence

Okay. I wrote up a new poem, only song-styled, very recently. I wrote it, reworked it a little, and then put it up on my DA account,
As this:

Now, one of the commentors, a friend of mine from Real Life, told me about something similar.
I googled the band and song.

I have never before heard of this band. I've never heard the song.
And they are extremely similar.

What a coincidence, huh?
I've gotta admit, it's very odd.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Writing for Fun and Profit!

Well, I'm trying to decide on something to write for an Article for a local Youth paper. I feel I need something to get into, something I can really do well... I just don't know what.

2 AM is NOT the time to be thinking of these things. I'll see you all in the morning, and likely edit in some new stuff below this. G'night!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Building an Audience?

I'm active on DA, or Deviantart, as some, like myself, prefer to call it, but I'm having trouble getting traffic to my page, and even less on my literature that I put up. I guess one could say this is shameless advertising, but frankly, if I plan on being a writer, I need to hone my skills, get feedback, and of course, I'm not exactly shy online like I am in real life.

So, there's the link. I do hope that I can get some new viewers, and of course that I can get some recognition. I love the feeling of being known.

Thanks to DA, I'm going to be using all my material I've written, and begin work on a super-secret project, the likes of which will blow your socks off! =D Well, I hope. ;)

Well, ciao for now!