Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Farce?

Is this entire thing just a joke? I seriously cannot see it in another way. I am being *removed due to legal reason* and he's doing exactly what he says I was doing!?

I am being insulted by the way this is being conducted. I will not stand for this kind of outrage!

He's refuting himself! He's showing that he lied to me! He's proving that he committed criminal actions, and he's tampered with evidence of it to boot!

I have a feature on my blog, that I love. I absolutely love it. It makes me so happy, and gives me both evidence and hope. It's a feature that forwards comments when they're made, to a private email address, where I have all the comments made on my blog all gathered up.

Yes, dear reader, all of them. I never delete them, because I'm lazy. But my dedication to procrastination will end the persecution.

Time to play the waiting game.


Checking back, ASD Hating has deleted the information. And, ooops, I didn't copy and paste the topic when I should have. Still, what I have should be adequate.

New info though, has now revealed that Reality Check is yet another sock puppet of his, as he answers for it on his blog. Ooh, burn.

As well, when I speak of a farce, I mean of the pretentious claims of this prideful firebrand as he boasts of his time in court and of how screwed I am because of his vast experience in court, while threatening to have me found in contempt of court by even stating that I am being taken to court by him. Hypocritical.

As well, I would like to fully disclaim Timelord's three new blogs. None permit comments, and forbid anyone from disagreeing with the views, and are an abuse to those mentioned there. The only purposes they serve are for publishing views which don't apply to the owner, lying about things and bashing anonymous people, and most of all, stalking, defaming, harassing, and threatening people.

Several people being attacked are:
-Ross Lumbus
-Fore Sam(Also uses Fore's real name)
-Anonymous Blog Commenters
-ASD people


Ross Lumbus said...

Hey I saw that blog. Unreal! What can I say about the asdhating blog but....

Thank you Phil. Very nice Christmas present. My very own blog.

Oh I have numerous times given John a serve and questioned many of his opinions. He makes no pretense of what he is and how he conducts himself. I haven't threatened him with court admittedly.

Oh I guess you think his family members (Wife and Sam) fair game? I do not agree but then I don't agree with you on a good lot of things Phil.

I don't care where you post Phil. I am not that emotionally invested in you. If I was I might start a blog all about you. Like....other obsessive types do. Can you think of someone like this Phil?

So enough serious stuff. Love what you have done with the place. The colour scheme, fonts, mental meanderings....impressive!

I especially love the topics....."Lumbus the Dumb", "Lumbus the Abusive". Can I help here?

Suggested titles:
"Lumbus the Barbarian"
"Lumbus the Destroyer"
"Something about Lumbus"
"Return of the Lumbus"
"Lumbus 007"
"Lumbus and the order of the phoenix"
"The Lumbus Ultimatum"

Oh and the best one. If you can get your good mate Borusa to bring the hot tubbers (Animus, Oracle, Lynx, Persuasion, Tarpok, Azal) here then we can have a title of

"Lumbus and the Seven Dwarves"

Hope this helps Phil.
Anything I can do to help. After all it seems to be dedicated to me.

Oh I know you said "This blog exists to straighten out issues of hating Autistic Spectrum Disorders from it's own. The more people who know about these people, the closer we will be to gaining the true understanding we deserve."

But who really knows what the hell you mean by this? It makes no more sense than your test to Joeker or your various comments or your other web sites. (Must be another one of those method in your madness things that you told us about) However it is important though that it means something to you (irrespective of what it means to humanity) and I want to offer my support here.

Ross Lumbus said...

Oh saw your latest blog on Wilky.

Well done! Third post and you change the direction of your "vision statement"

"This blog exists to straighten out issues of hating Autistic Spectrum Disorders from it's own. The more people who know about these people, the closer we will be to gaining the true understanding we deserve"

Wilky is not on the spectrum. does that go with your posting statement.

Are any of your friends going to post? Is it open to just your mates to post? Is is solely friends of Phil only? I would like to know where we are going with my blog Phil it looks like it has potential! It makes no more sense but it looks really well done. Can you open the floodgates? Can you get the hot tubbers/seven dwarves down and your wiki friends and me and we can have a tea party.

I am sure in the fight for ND or Legislative right or societal understanding or universal peace, tranquility and understand this site has utmost importance.

Can I be a contributor, consultant, co-producer? We need to incorporate this into a charity and a privately run vehicle for charitable donations. You and me Phil. This site has real potential to be noticed by the masses.

I have got it! You pretend to be a Wrestling Manager and I can be the bad guy........hang on....sorry we are in the real world....scrub all that. Sorry Phil your blog site is a waste of time and you will not get any recognition for the time or your conviction....sorry. Real Life is different to pretend.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joeker said...

Is she really? You should investigate your sources. I believe I recall that she said on AFF that she wasn't on the spectrum. You might want to verify things before stating them.

I looked up a definition. Here;

I'll leave it at that.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ross Lumbus said...

Yes Wilky was very clear on it and most people on AFF saw that (including Joeker). I think this must be one subject that must give you a headache Timelord because you don't know much about it.

Don't let it stop you posting other stuff and replying to your own comments. I mean that vision statement was a good guide but we have moved away from it three posts in. Now without that as a guide this interesting blog of your's could go anywhere.

I am sure your many readers will find it fascinating....and exciting!!!

Oh quick one. You know little children playing cops and robbers, cowboys and indians and the like? You know they are not really the roles they are pretending to be right? You do understand ...right Timelord?

Lucky Phil is real? Real? C'mon Timelord Lucky Phil is a role you play when you are playing (pretending) to be a tough Manager. I personally thing you play similar roles when you are online. I of course i may be wrong.

(PS ForeSam said after a weird post from Anon that you were posting links to your wrestling site about Lucky wasn't really you was it?)

Anonymous said...

Ross don't encourage him. You make yourself look as bad as him. You're above that aren't you?

I emailed New Aussie Wrestling. Waiting for a reply.

Ross Lumbus said...

Oh timelord I had a look at your link. She sat a online test. There we go irrefutable evidence?

I am stunned Timelord! Tis is your prove. You obviously know her well and her history better than me (Shit I have only known her for a year and dated her). You have seen her actually say on AFF to all members that she was not on the spectrum. None of this matters because she sat a test.

It doesn't matter as I say I like the way your site is diversifying and evolving. It is fun and funny.

Keep up the good work!

Ross Lumbus said...

General have you seen his site?

He needs encouragement.

Someone needs to take him seriously. He has gone to a lot of time and effort.

Besides I like fiction writing and with a bit more effort and practice I think he can turn poorly written fiction into something really special.

I don't see other people posting on the site and he has banned all but team members from posting there which is kind of a shame.

Anonymous said...

NAW got back to me, Ross. Sorry, but you're wrong this time. They confirmed the actual existance of Phil's character on two of their shows in 2005. They also confirmed that the booker is considering using him in 2008. So someone already is taking him seriously. Such a shame!

I've seen his site. It's a joke mostly. He's got some half decent material in the political section but that's all.

Ross Lumbus said...

General what I was saying before is "real character" is just a role he plays. I used to be involved in a couple of repertory clubs.

They were fun. I performed in front of crowds and got applauded for my "role" of a surfer, bellhop, psychiatric patient, mechanic, thug and the like.

That wasn't "real life" it fun and I took it seriously to get the lines, direction, inflections and performance downpat, but it was not real life. It was a bit of fun.

Lucky Phil is just a role. He is not "real". He is a little bit of play-acting and pretend. I am sure Timelord wants to make sure he is believable as a character and wants to perfect his acting (or pretending) but at the end of the day no-one ought to confuse the man with the character.

One is and belongs to reality and the other is not real. (Lucky Phil is a character and not real).

Joeker said...

You could try asking her yourself, you know. A PM on AFF, and a bit of patience.

A character is a character. In real life, they're known as Actors. Actors who play the role of characters. Like Darth Vader or the Teletubbies.

And you know Fore just wants to piss you off. You just keep letting yourself be provoked into freaking out.

Ross Lumbus said...

That's true Joeker. I wonder if Lucky Phil is more Teletubbie or Darth Vardar.

I guess I and most Australian will never know. I should not imagine the NAW fights are "that" popular. Again I may be wrong.

The other thing is James Earl Jones and the idiots in the Teletubbie suits got paid. It was a job. It was also employment and livelihood. My acting was not. The kids playing cowboys and Indians isn't. Neither is lucky Phil.

Not of course dismissing the importance of Lucky Phil. Far be it from me to diminish something like that.

I am sure Timelord with things important to him like Lucky Phil, Political endevours with the Action Party, Effort with the wiki site and asdhating blog and his other attempts at doing something meaningful, rational and intelligent, tries really hard. I think this (if nothing else) deserves some encouragement.

Timelord if you are stuck for ideas for the direction of the asdhating now we have ditched the vision statement I am happy to help.

Ross Lumbus said...

Timelord first thing first I am so glad you have read my comments in the light they were meant (WTF?)

OK Phil. This was a bit of a groundbreaker in my blog. He we got two very important issues sorted.

How do people decided if they are on the right or wrong side of a debate? If they agree with you they are on the right side. (Don't laugh anyone reading this - if Phil believes this it is OK) I think this is important Timelord.It helps put in place constructive guidelines to replace the vision statement.

The other thing we got to see is what constitutes truth and evidence to prove a point. Now this we can really use to guide us on our blog here Timelord.

So you asked me to take the next logical step. I have thought on this and been guided by the guidelines above. When coupling this to my desire to help and your branching away from the restrictive vision statement....I have the next logical step in my sights. Now don't dismiss it Timelord. One word - Aliens!!!

OK here is how it works. We build up a logial sequence of "evidence and proof" (to the acceptable standard of proving Wilky is on the spectrum). First - Roswell. There is plenty of stuff out there to "evidence" this as factual. We also know as fact that US is leading the world in utilising technological advancements since the apparent incident. We know that much advancement in Silicon Valley and so forth is purported to be by people on the spectrum.

Are you ready for the next logical step...c'mon Timelord let's be brave and go for logical step is highly intelligent humanoid (and possibly shapeshifting)aliens are making this advancement for their US allies/captors and passing themselves off as Aspies!

Think how many people could be cast into this net. You will have PLENTY more people to write about on my blog. Bill Gates...always did look that little bit you know.

Now with the practice you are getting with your fiction writing you ought to be able to scale new heights of compelling quality fantasy fiction. Better yet you will have my support. I love your work thus far. I think we should run with it. I really do.

You could change Lucky Phil's catch cry from "Put a sock in it" to Aliens.....get stuffed" or your shtick could be that of Lucky Phil the Martian (Could be a crowd puller)

For the Christmas post I have another idea. Aspies are generally truthful by nature. Yet Christmas is a social lie. With the correct spin...."Intolerant NT's lies to Aspie children to control their behaviour (naughty or nice)."

How good and controversial is this .....and so full of Christmas cheer.

Oh I thing your last title of "Lumbus claims the Blog" is not very powerful what about Lumbus saves the day. I like that better.

You inferred Foresam was on the spectrum too. Did he sit an internet online test too? Just want to be in the loop.

Anyhow a couple of suggestions. I think it could help evolve the asdhating blog. Oh I will support you in this ad if anyone questions it we will tell them they are on the wrong side of the argument. That will fix them. Or better yet proudly shout "Aliens get stuffed"

Joeker said...

I hope Wilky doesn't mind my posting this.

I took this out of a PM between wilky and myself.

I'm not an aspie, I'm "NT"...

I hope this further clarifies the situation here.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ross Lumbus said...

Yeah!!!! We ALL know who!

(Who is it Timelord?)

Who is our next proven nasty aspie enemy?

Are they aliens too?

Joeker said...

I'm simply suspicious that you'd answer Ross, as it was Reality check he was talking to. Also, the way you did it in the fist person. I think it fairly obvious. And you have confessed that you do use sock puppets. Several, I believe. Not to mention that you didn't make any distinctions whatsoever between Reality Check and yourself. Oh, and of course that if you look at it like you attacking Ross in defence of RC, then it makes less sense than if you were RC.

Of course she is. That must be the logical procession of things. Absolutely. If you're not right, then they must be lying. Get over yourself. You're grasping at straws for an excuse to justify being an asshole.

Denial or not, there is no provable evidence. You can't prove a thing, and it burns you up because you need her to be an Aspie so you can attack her and be able to justify it. In addition, she's not recieved a formal diagnosis, and that's fact. Whine all you want, until there's factual evidence, indisputable as a formal DX, you can't rightly say that. And Wilky may want to sue for defamation, due to your unwarranted accusations that she's on the spectrum. It's that kind of single-minded "I'm right and that's it" attitude of yours that drives people around you batty.

The guys on AFF, the guys on those forums that are now your(Actually, as you put it, every Aspie's enemy) "enemies," the anonymous on Fore's Blog, others you've met that you have fights with, and the people who don't agree with you.

All of these people get pissed at your holier than thou bullshit. You prance about, trolling away, and act like you're so hard done by. Especially when it comes to teenagers. Oh noes! Fore had a petition to have me cured, and insults me whenever he sees me, but an Aspie I'm disappointed in is a dire and grave thing, and must have a freaking war declared against him!

Ross, you-know-who is a new psedonym that they've come up with to refer to Fore Sam. Kind of like Vol- I mean, he-who-must-not-be-named. It's like by saying his name, they fear that they'll call him to them, like Beetlejuice, Candyman, or Jack Thompson.

Ross Lumbus said...

"Ross, you-know-who is a new psedonym that they've come up with to refer to Fore Sam. Kind of like Vol- I mean, he-who-must-not-be-named. It's like by saying his name, they fear that they'll call him to them, like Beetlejuice, Candyman, or Jack Thompson."

Oh right! So we are keeping it real. Got it!

So we have potential aliens in our midst and ...... wasn't Beetlejuice and Candyman evil spirits?

Great this fiction is really exciting.

Is Lucky Phil a Ghostbuster?

What can I do to help?

I will think of more suggestions Phil

Anonymous said...

I'm giving up reading this blog. Get a room you two, you are behaving like a couple of preteens.

Anonymous said...

I agree!

Anonymous said...

If I'd known this blog was inhabited by children I would never have even looked in.

Anonymous said...

What's a farce is this blog!

Joeker said...

It's amazing how the only people to post these days are sock puppets, or personal friends of Timelord.

I think it's a farce that I'm expected to believe you jokes. Scram. I'm not in the mood to banter with you.

You make the most obvious mistakes. I can't give any respect to rank amateur sock puppeteers.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joeker said...

Pardon me, but when did I say that the sock puppets were you? I said that the only people posting now were sock puppets and your friends. I never said that it was you.

I was speaking to the person who was operating the sock puppets; He or she is as of yet unknown, and will likely stay that way, due to the nature of a sock puppeteer.

Anonymous said...

You said;

"It's amazing how the only people to post these days are sock puppets, or personal friends of Timelord."

I'm sorry, Joeker, but I also read that as accusing Timelord of being the sock puppeteer. The comma isn't enough to seperate the two. This comment insinuates sock puppets AND personal friends.

Be careful, buddy! :)

Anonymous said...

He *did* say OR.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter, Anon. "Or" can be a link word as well as a seperater.

Joeker said...

Thank you.

I didn't mean to put them together, which is why I used "or". If I'd meant "and," I would have used it.

I feel that I've got to correct this.

I would have seperated it out and made it grammatically incorrect, had I known the reaction.

The only people who're posting are sock puppets, except for personal friends of Timelord.

Is that better? I assume then, that this angst over words is settled?


Onto the sock puppets; they're in a classic pattern. They've even slipped up, showing some of their hand. Several points here, to make on the puppets.

First puppet, a well played puppet. Stupid insults, with a touch of disregard. Really played it off well. Second puppet, the classic yes-man puppet. Brought in to back up the first puppet's statements, to create an illusion of support, to bolster the numbers. Incredibly simplistic, and as obvious a boot to the head.
Note the time taken between each puppet post; This shows that the one pulling the strings know what'll slip them up easiest, is too little time. Considering the current pace of posting on this blog, they should have stretched it out longer.
Third puppet, a named puppet. These are the hardest to work with, as they are often hard to get a consistent personality for, and live up to. Simple insult, patronizingly disrespectful, and a simple attack. Sloppy work, having made it a continuation. The puppeteer may've made a long post, then split it into smaller bites for puppets to deliver. Fourth puppet, more of the same. Simple insult, and a play on my words. However, the puppeteer gave too much away.

Let's put it all together, shall we?

First, the age focus. They focus on youth, mainly on being children, or preteens. Second, a play on words. We know of someone who's fond of doing reversals. Third, we can be sure that if they're not puppets(highly unlikely) then they are working together. They couldn't have formed those four post better than if they'd met to talk about it over coffee. Fourth, time frame. all of it in one day. Haste has the downfall of many a puppeteer. Fifth, what ties them all together; The fact that they're even here. What are the odds that four, 1, 2, 3, 4 people, random, anonymous people, suddenly stumble across my blog and decide to insult me for no apparent reason? Where is the logic behind it? And what are the odds that they all stumbled within less than five hours of each other? On a big blog, that'd be understandable. But I'm not nearly as mainstream as any other blogs. I've got no links to it on other sites, nothing.

Now for the fun part. We know it's a puppeteer. We know things that they know. Example one, they know of this blog and have been keeping up to date with it. Example two, they refer to us as disrespectfully as can be, as that we're children, preteens. Thus, they think of us poorly, and also regard us as young. Example three, they only showed up after I posted my addendum. Thus, they have a personal interest staked in the three blogs I mentioned.

Where does this lead us? We are looking for someone older than I, an adult, to consider me a child. They keep up to date on my blog. They dislike both Ross and myself. They also turned my topic upon me, as an insult. Now, what people are there who share these characteristics?

Anonymous said...

I resent being referred to as a sock puppet, young man. I am a person, not a thing.

Joeker said...

Right on time, Curtis. Right on time.

It's funny how you walked right into it. I didn't expect I'd make you mad enough to make a slip. Of course, the puppeteer always is a person, and the puppet being the role. Yes, you're a real person. Just not one who's open and honest. You are either part of a group, four people who have only come here to conduct another of the Timelord's tests, or you are all sock puppets. I am honest; you are but liars and cowards, either mocking those who are being mocked, or fulfilling some goal of a self-styled mad scientist conducting experiments without knowledge or consent.

But of course, you're just a stranger, no? Completely unconnected to anyone, despite your obvious disgruntledness with myself and Ross.

Anonymous said...

Joeker, you seem to be developing a list of people who disrespect you. Why should it be buddies of Timelord or sock puppets? What proof is there? You can't tell. For all you know there are a lot of people laughing at you behind your back.

It's happened to Timelord. Why shouldn't it happen to you?

Anonymous said...

OK, so you're not a friend of Timelord then...

Ross Lumbus said...

You are right Gibson.

Joeker is very bad in talking about you being a sock puppet or puppets invading this blog. He is very wrong to accuse you of this.

I apologise. Maybe my sense of humour does seem juvenile. My brain is stressed after work and my sense of humour is odd at the best of times. This is just a bit of light relief.

If I have upset you I apologise.

You don't need this as an unnecessary distraction.

You have not updated the asdhating blog for days. I will let you get on with it.


Ross Lumbus said...

Sorry Curtis I called you Gibson. My bad. I should have paid a bit more attention to what you were naming yourself today. Sincerest apologies.

Never know Gibson is not a bad name perhaps you could use it someday.

I like it better than, Timelord, Lucky Phil, Anon, Borusa,.....or those other ones anyhow.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ross Lumbus said...


That you Phil? That REALLY you?

I can see the laugh but not the strange facial tick.

(Being called an idiot by Phil is like being called stupid by a sheep or ugly by a toad)

In this respect it is almost a compliment.

That is if it was Phil.........?

Anonymous said...

Children! Santa won't give you any presents!

Joeker said...

If this blog allowed me to track IPs, or at least gave each IP a standard identification number on the comments, I'd be deleting the comments coming from different anonymous with the same IP or Number. Too bad; I wonder if Google may implement this, though?

For all I know, that may even be true. But considering the source, I think it's pretty unlikely. Who've I drawn here? No one except for those who want to stick up for Timelord, Timelord's new blogs, or the flunkies- I mean, friends, of Timelord. A friend of a friend, perhaps?

There are big differences between Timelord and myself. And I for one don't write up a list of enemies, people who've offended me, and call them Aspie enemies and Aspie unfriendly. Especially when it comes to your own goverment, the Department of Defence for said goverment, and a railway, for not letting you sleep on the floor. Seriously.

I should really stop talking to you puppets.

Ross, I think whoever's playing these puppets is a complete idiot. They've got to be the single stupidest person on the internet. They really suck at sockpuppeteering. It really must make them so angry, that they can't even successfully pretend to be other people well enough to fool a teenager and yourself.

Whoever they are, they've got to be feeling like a complete and utter idiot to not even be able to fool the people they think so poorly of.

Timelord: You're such a noob. No spaces, all caps, and how many, just how many exclamation marks? Where'd you learn to type? In words you'll understand...

lern 2 speak

With that through with, it's hilarious how you laugh at other people's expense. You must feel really proud. How about you get back to stealing lollipops and kicking puppies?

You're just blustering over what Ross had to say. Excellent kneejerk reaction, probably didn't even stop to think.

Ross; It was, I think. After all, he's the one who set up your blog.

Puppet, be silent. I will cease to hear thine prattle, as thee are but a role and lines to recite!
Begone, you puppet.

By the way, Santa left a note for me. Here, let me read it for you. Ahem. "Ho ho ho! You tell Ross for me that I'm glad he got my early present. Does he like it? I thought he might. Ho ho ho!"

Well, if you've nothing nice to say, anonymous, I suggest you go back to your hole where people enjoy your drivel.

Anonymous said...

But there is no Santa Claus!

Ross, Timelord, Joeker - you are all children. Go to your rooms, all of you!

Joeker said...


Of course there's a Santa Claus. Who said there wasn't?

Aw, you're sending us to our rooms. Aren't you adorable. Are you pointing at our rooms and speaking sternly? Ha ha, you're so silly.

Silly and stupid, not to mention a whiny coward. Who're you to tell real people to do anything? You're just a puppet, and if not a puppet, an idiot with severe unwarranted self-importance. You're just being spiteful for spite's sake.

Begone with you! Did you not hear the first time? You're on my blog. You want to play, make your own blog and let's get to discussing what's got your mouth running off.

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho! You don't think I'm real? Coal for you. Don't think I don't know. I'm making a list, I'm checking it twice, and I'm finding out if you are naughty or nice. Oh, ho ho ho!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joeker said...

Yes, yes, but only a certain few can be Aspie enemies, and of course...

There's quite the number of Aspies that have "offended" you. You don't say anything about Aspies, as it ruins your illusion of Aspie perfection.

I kind of figured this would go over your head. Typical, too. Anyways, what about those puppies? Don't they wonder where you are? Are they perhaps getting jealous of all the time you're spending not kicking them?

I won't be laughing, of course. After all, it's a serious matter, even if you aren't.

It's perfectly reasonable for them to take all the time they need. Rushing important decisions aren't wise. Plus, I am perfectly justified to ask for what I have.

Because on a serious note, you aren't absolved of your crimes because you threw the evidence away. In fact, destroying evidence has a very serious implication. I'm sure you'll be kicking yourself for it.

Borusa really screwed things up for you. Your inherently flawed little test, your action against me, and so much more.

We'll see. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Joeker, some of those "Aspie Enemies" are hidden! Phil's so scared he's put them behind a password!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joeker said...

Ooh, you revealed much. Too bad it's illegal, and inaccurate. At least, it is on my end.

Joeker said...

I'm interested in this "Hacker" person. Maybe this guy is the one pulling strings. Fore's blog, Timelord, Ross, and my own personal info, and the puppeteer's supposed enmity with Timelord.

By the way, the information posted was not mine. I don't have my name registered for an address nor a phone number. I still live at home, in fact. I just graduated.

Whoever this is, they are playing with fire. I suspect that if it's this hacker fellow, I may look in to find an emptied blog. Hopefully, my password is adequate protection.

NT-ND said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joeker said...

Ross takes it as a joke. And I happen to think it's fairly ludocris that I'm being threatened with a gag order, when he got over eight friends(thugs) to come here to convince(harass) me to shut up.

Have you seen them? Check back for the topics with a great deal of comments in them. Especially with the likes of Lynx, The Oracle, The Animus, and Borusa.
Before you start to stick up for someone, see what the problem is.

NT-ND, parents generally feel strongly about their kids. To anyone with a child, it's a horrible nightmare that something like that happens, and that because of these people, it may happen to their child. Not many people get concerned about the pedophile's welfare after he's raped a child. They'd be a lot more kindly looked upon if they sought help before they raped a child, not after.

A suck up? Please. I no more suck up than be polite. Would you rather I simply be blatantly in people's faces about AS and demand their acceptance of it? I don't make waves. I take my life seriously, and I don't want to be known only for the fact that I have AS. I make my own way, on my own merit. I earn respect.

NTs? It's their world. You want to fight them, I'm sure they'll be happy to line up one at a time.

I prefer to be polite. If they think it's cowardice, then they learn their mistake. It's your mistake too, as I am neglecting politeness for a minute.

I know exactly who you are, Flardox. You don't have such a dramatic, powerful, and all-knowing mystique as you think.

You're walking a windy path. Take care, and please, if all you want to do is rub my nose in my hard work and efforts, kindly go to AFF or Phil's World and rant about the NTs instead.

Joeker said...

By the Longcat! You just read what Timelord said, and repeated it less grammatically correct. Zounds!

XD Bwa ha ha! Seriously, if you want to pick a fight, pick a fight. But if you want to echo someone picking a fight with me, you're going to need a reason.

NT-ND said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"NTs? It's their world."

hey jackass! it ain't their world! it's everyone's! who r u, hirohito?

Joeker said...

I'm sorry you can't find a real reason to want me to be an enemy.

And I can't help but feel that being called a pathetic coward for "sucking up" to NTs implies that you sure don't like them. After all, if I'm a suck up because I don't cram my AS down people's throats, then you must not have much respect for NTs.

You say that I support cures, but don't show any evidence. Not to mention, you think only of the worst possible outcome, and the worst of the NTs. Not every theory for cures are based on murder. Not everyone advocating a cure is targeting you specifically. Not every autistic is as able as you are, and not every autistic is content with how they are.

I posted because Wilky is a friend. I posted because I felt obligated to, morally. I posted because Wilky was seeing that there is more to the actions of those involved in the autistic community, for and against cures. I posted because I agreed with Wilky.
I don't use people. I fight my own battles. Look at what you are doing; Fighting for Timelord. Look what the Dr. Who villains were doing, fighting for Timelord. I am no coward, when the one to name me foe hides behind others.

Any caricature mishmash of a person, grotesquely warped and twisted, would have that effect. You play with my words to make me into a monster you need me to be so that you aren't doing the wrong thing. You need me to be evil so that you can be good. The world isn't so clear as that.

Joeker said...

They're the majority, and last I checked, they don't have a neurobiological disorder. They are the people who run society, who dominate the social order. It's not like they're the axis of evil.

Last I checked, we aren't excluded from the rules because we want to be be, or feel we need to be. I follow the rules, and is that so wrong?

Ross Lumbus said...

"Blogger NT-ND said...

such a shame I thought both of you (joeker and rossco) could have styed mature and discussed this like adults.

but saying that I shouldn't expect too much of you rossco or do you not remember how many times you said you would tear that paedophile limb from limb without recognising the fact he is mentally disturbed? that shows such ignorance.

and joeker I always pegged you as a suck-up to NT's. such cowardice

before you ask how I know these thing's and who I am you know deep down."

Yes I do Flardox. It was in respect to the Perverts at the Castle thread in AFF and yes how many times did I say "I would tear a pedophile limb from limb"? None. I didn't. I made another remark on what I believed was a suitable punishment and agreed with two other posters. Of course the fact that Evil Zakkie and Lacie Neil Singer have opinions in line with my thoughts, means what? Are they similarly ignorant. I will be happy to pass it on if you like?

Or is it really that we simply have a difference in opinions and you are trying to arrogantly use a position of righteousness to try and smear me. That, my little teenage friend, is not mature.

As to my responses here yes anyone can see I was having a laugh with it. When presented with insensibilities I have a bit of a laugh. What is your problem here with doing that Flardox?

In fact what is your problem in general. I have always tried to accommodate you and be reasonable with you. I even tried to look out for you. What is your problem?

NT-ND said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"They're the majority, and last I checked, they don't have a neurobiological disorder."

so? it still ain't their world, jackass! brain fade in action! share!

Joeker said...

Got it wrong? Have I?

Where is he? While you are fighting "with" him, where is he? I don't see him. Do you? He's not here. He's not with you. And you're doing it for him, because he won't do it himself. He won't dirty his own hands.

I fought "with" him once. Then I found I was just fighting "for" him. Nothing but a tool against what he took as an enemy of his Aspie way of thinking, that Aspies are better than anyone on the spectrum, that LFAs make the spectrum look bad, that you have to have an IQ of way over average to be an Aspie.

He's good at manipulating people. I did what he wanted, because I wanted to as well. I told you, I walked the path you're walking.

If alignment doesn't matter to you, then that's fine by me. But don't expect to pull out some moral high ground on me, you vandal.

Joeker said...

Tell me, anonymous poster. Just why do you insist on fighting? I've not insulted you, now have I? I've not called you any kind of demeaning words, or insulted your intelligence.

They're the majority. They are the ones in charge. If you want power, just like them, go through the same channels and steps. Get into politics, and make the sweeping changes you want. Stop insulting teenage bloggers and do something worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

"I've not insulted you, now have I? I've not called you any kind of demeaning words, or insulted your intelligence."

u insult everyone who ain't nt by saying they are the power! nt-nd got it. u r a suck!

Ross Lumbus said...

Oh Flardox you owe Joker and I an explanation and apology for this out of the blue attack. I can not see how either of us did or said anything to offend you personally to that point, as to warrant such personal insults.

Anonymous said...

and u r doing what? it's ok not to share the world with everyone? u racist bigoted jackass! i'll fight that from anyone!

Joeker said...

I don't have power like that of a politician, a doctor, a police officer. I have only the power I earn, the power I can gain.

To get power, you have to work for it. Telling people to give you power over them, demanding power, these don't get you power.

NTs are the ones getting the power; Aspies get power too. Most Aspies with power are Aspies who buckle down, get a job, work for it. They make money, pay taxes, are actively contributing to the world around them. If you want power so bad, you have to earn it just like any other person.

NT-ND is only here because Timelord wants him to be. Timelord contacted NT-ND secretively, and told him tales about what was going on. I tell you now, Flardox, just what was going on. Timelord sent a group of friends to harass me. A large group. They insulted me, repeated Timelord's lies, and generally attacked me. Timelord refered to it as an attack, and that's what he said. He said for them to stop "the attack."
During the "attack," they didn't do anything but insult me for the sake of insult, swear at me, which I dislike, and part of why Timelord and I had that falling out. One of them tried to get me to kill myself.

Timelord was angry at him because he had to stop the entire thing. No one has so much breathed a word of apology. Now it will be an insult for them to apologize, and should they try after this comment, it will be an empty gesture by empty people to keep themselves out of trouble. They knew what they were doing. They knew what they were doing was wrong. And they did it. No matter how hard they try to discount it, cover it up, lie about it, I have the evidence. Your friend isn't so much the victim as he leads you to believe.

Joeker said...

Anonymous, I accept. Name a time and place. I'll gladly tell you off for taking comments out of context in order to make someone into a bad guy. I'll also be sure to call your mother, and tell her to watch that you don't go picking fights online.

Unless you're a sock puppet or friend of NT-ND, in which case, you did a poor, poor job of avoiding suspicion, and an even worse job of arguing.

Ross Lumbus said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...

and u r doing what? it's ok not to share the world with everyone? u racist bigoted jackass! i'll fight that from anyone!

January 6, 2008 5:02 PM"

Who said anything about sharing a world?
Fight what from anyone?

OK easier question....why are you irrational and stupid?
(I will give a list of options to help....A: Drugs? b: Lack of intelligence? c: Mental Illness ? d: Hanging around stupid people that are "dumbing you down"? )

Anonymous said...

"NTs are the ones getting the power; Aspies get power too."

no. nt's deny us power because they won't let us. suck ups have no power. u r a suck up.

"I'll also be sure to call your mother, and tell her to watch that you don't go picking fights online."

my mom's dead so don't bring her into it, jackass! u r picking the fight!

"Who said anything about sharing a world?"

i did. u got a problem with that?

"OK easier question....why are you irrational and stupid?"

why r u dumb?

Ross Lumbus said...

A problem with you?
Dear God no!
I am scared shitless of you.
You are obviously a mental heavyweight.
Your reasoning,repartee and infinite logic are too much for a mortal like me to face.
Love your command of the English language and spelling.
I am in awe!

(Is that you again Timelord?)

Joeker said...

You're a suck up too, but to different people. You want to be a lazy vermin, and be accepted because you have to be. You have no intent on working hard to make a living, you want a free ride, and by supporting those who preach "ability" while taking a cheque because they can't work, you want a soft, easy living.

Hell, I want one too, but it's not very damn likely. So I have to work for what I want; It won't just fall into my lap.

Your mother is dead? Despite the fact that we are obviously at odds with each other, and will not be on friendly terms, I offer my condolences.

I found it fairly rude of you to come here and start yelling and making accusations of me for no good reason than that you were led here by someone who knows what gets you riled up, and by someone who wanted to use you as a tool.

By the way, you're fre to do whatever you want, legally, and in accordance with the rules of soceity. For starters, if you disagree with someone, challenging them mano-a-mano is not a good idea.

NT-ND said...

Ross Lumbus said...
Oh Flardox you owe Joker and I an explanation and apology for this out of the blue attack. I can not see how either of us did or said anything to offend you personally to that point, as to warrant such personal insults.

rossco I have sent you an apology on AFF for my behaviour


I am very sorry for my post I don't know what on earth made me post that

once again I apologise what I said is meaningless you did not deserve that

I hope you can except my apology


P's would it be possible If you could delete my post's? I would prefer to forget my immature outburst.

NT-ND said...

Unless you're a sock puppet or friend of NT-ND, in which case, you did a poor, poor job of avoiding suspicion, and an even worse job of arguing.

I know what i did was wrong and I have apologised

but I'm going to say If I would use someone to do something for me this guy wouldn't be on my list!!!

I don't know him i't couldn't have been one of my friends as this would have nothing to with them.


hope this clears things up


Anonymous said...

"You want to be a lazy vermin, and be accepted because you have to be. You have no intent on working hard to make a living, you want a free ride, and by supporting those who preach "ability" while taking a cheque because they can't work, you want a soft, easy living."

lazy? i'm not. u r lazy. all suck ups r. u want the free ride on the back of nt's. u won't get a pay check that way, jackass!

"I found it fairly rude of you to come here and start yelling and making accusations of me for no good reason"

i have good reason! u r a piece of shit for being a suck up. u r an elephant, dumbo! i hate jerks like u and i'm telling u.

Joeker said...

Flardox, I deleted the posts like you asked.

Thank you.

Joeker said...

You there, the noob. Who said anything about myself getting a free ride? I work for what I want, jackass. If I want something, I work for it. I don't sit back and have it fall into my lap.

Btw, lern 2 speak.

No, you don't.
You are here because I am a suck-up piece of shit? First, even were I some kind of pandering suck up, it's my life to live. Whether or not I ruin it is of no concern to you. Second, I am not a suck up. Oops, that's your entire argument out the window. Third, I'm hardly a piece of shit, especially compared to you, because you can't even type properly, excepting profanities.

I think I've been told. Now get out of here, so I don't have to put up with you.

Anonymous said...

This anon must be about 12 with heavy experience on a cell phone. U and R are common and so is the lack of capital letters. Not exactly proof that he can't spell, Joeker. But I could be wrong!

Ross Lumbus said...

I was thinking option A myself.
He seems an angry little ant whoever it is.
I thought it was Timelord but maybe not.
I think he is mildly amusing should keep him around.

Ross Lumbus said...


In relation to Timelord's projected hypocrisy on me and his weak retort to my last post:

Lumbus I have only ever been banned from one forum. Any others I have left - not banned. Get your facts right. Oh - waste of time, you aren't interested in facts. All you're interested in is attacking me and making stuff up all along the way."

All I can say is.....

POST #11.

Yeah Timelord you were lying then or now. I don't really care when. All this "I don't lie I always tell the truth". The thing that you stake your own integrity on and were banned from your last forum AspergianIsland from a weeks ago for argue on. For all the crap you posted on that asdhating about the fact that Phelexor saw purpose for it in situations. NOW WHO IS THE HYPOCRITE?

Hell I laughed when I saw your post.

Is it possible all these horrible representations and judgments you accuse everyone with is a case of psychological projection to deflect the petty and horrible aspects aspects to your own nature. That is sad. How horrible must you feel about yourself? How disgusted?

How much too does that make sense? It is always "self defence" this way. It is always "their fault".

I finally have you figured. I should feel bad for you....but I think it is amusing.

Anonymous said...

"Who said anything about myself getting a free ride? I work for what I want, jackass. If I want something, I work for it. I don't sit back and have it fall into my lap."

u suck up to nt's. that's riding free on their back! work? u don't know what that is!

Joeker said...

So I don't go up and challenge their authority, and force them to accept me for having AS, and this is... bad?

I act like any other person, and earn goodwill and respect, not by demanding it.

So, by not telling everyone I meet that I have AS and they must accept me, I'm a suck-up? So I'm a suck-up because I don't force people to have to feel anything about me? Well, I think that's actually called; Not being a whiny asshole who feels entitled to things they don't have any intention of earning, and feels that the world owes them everything their little hearts desire.

I don't? So, I guess I should tell that to the people who employed me. "Sorry, I don't know what work is. The job got done, and I did it, but I'm pretty sure it's not work, I have no idea what it is."

Work is what grown-ups do. It's what they do to get money, to take care of their kids, or people who depend on them, or to ensure that they have a livable lifestyle. That's the way the world goes round.

Anonymous said...

"Work is what grown-ups do."

how? your way? or nt's? do it your way = respect! do it their way = suck up! nt's won't respect u cept for helping them slack off! they use jackasses like u! hi willing fall guy!

Anonymous said...

Do it their way and you get rewarded, dope! THEN you can do it your way. Joeker's right - you work and there's nothing in work that says suck up unless you don't get rewards. But then that means YOU are doing something wrong and YOU have to fix it!

How old are you again, anon?

Joeker said...

So, if I work like an NT, that's... bad? It means I'm a suck up, and therefore a "piece of shit" who doesn't deserve any respect. But if I work like say, from home, or as a contractor, or something that is generally defined as "my way(Aspie way?)," then I get respect? Sorry, I don't really see any difference in work. No matter how you do yor work, as long as it's done, your boss is happy, and you get paid. Or if you don't have a boss, and you work for yourself, then you're happy, and you get paid.

You really don't seem to think NTs do any work, or have any positive opinion of them. If you don't like NTs, then I guess you're just a hatemonger. You aren't quite like the KKK, because they hate for skin colour, and you hate for a lack of an ASD.

Hard work goes farther than defeatism.

You don't know anything. Are all NTs like this? No. And should I assume they are? No. It does a disservice to them, makes me seem paranoid, and sets me up for failure, being unable to trust any of them, and a severance check on the next payday.

You make a lot of assumptions about my life. You'd do well to stop and go away, as I grow very tired of arguing something like this.

Anonymous said...

"No matter how you do yor work, as long as it's done, your boss is happy, and you get paid."

jackass! it matters how you do it. u take too long, doesn't matter if it's done. u get fired, not paid.

i don't trust nt's. u shouldn't either. i don't assume your life. u assume nt life. suck up!

shaddup general!

Joeker said...

Well, I think it's obvious that you've never held a job where you work with NTs. I don't think you've held a job, period.

When I said, "as long as it's done," I meant on time as well. Generally you don't go to work, wait until your shift is over, then start working, or work ineffectively. That's why they train you on the job.

If you do your work, you don't get fired. If you do your work, you're not slacking off. If other people slack off, normally that means that they get fired. You don't get fired because the other guy screws up. You get fired if you don't work, or do something wrong, like steal cash from the register, or drink on the job.

So I can't hold a job around NTs, is that it? Or is it that I have to assume that they're going to jump me with knives? Perhaps they're leading me towards a trap door to a Rancor Pit...
Sarcasm, by the way, in case you're taking it seriously.

You make assumptions about my life, not you assume as in take on my life.

I don't assume NT life, I live one. You mean a Neurotypical life: Like. Every. Single. Person. On. The. Planet. Who. Is. Not. On. The. Autistic. Spectrum. I can either live like any other person, or I can be a self-righteous, stuck-up, self-important, untrusting snob like yourself, and turn up my nose at the lives which everyone else lives, and want something more than what they have. Which, by the way, is petty, childish bullshit, and completely undeserved for someone as malignant as you are.

What? I think the question is perfetly valid. If you want to present an opinion all about the world, and your obviously vast experience with the NTs you seem to avoid like the plauge, then I think you ought to at least give up one answer, your age, for The General, in exchange for your weak and omnipresent insults, and pompous attitude.

You make me think that you're being stupid on purpose. You are, right? Right? Right!?
Oh, dear god, please don't tell me you really ARE this paranoid, delusional, and stupid!

Anonymous said...

"If other people slack off, normally that means that they get fired."

shows u how much u know! slackers never get fired if some one does their work! cause the job got done! u will get used with your idea of work suck up!

i'm not stupid. u r. i've worked. have u?

Joeker said...

Shows how much you know. I wonder if that's how the entire world is run, a bunch of aspies being used by NTs to do all the work in the world? And I guess they use hampsters to power the Hoover Dam, huh?

No U! :P

I've worked, and at several different jobs, and that being back when I was younger up until now. I've done hard work, heavy work, paperwork, and cashiering. Some of it was paid, and some I did volunteer, with other volunteers.

I wonder though, what kind of work you've done. I doubt you've done anything considered a job, as you seem to think that they target you because of your... AS, is it? Anyways, they target you to do all the work, while they do nothing, and you just took it? It's called a Boss, you tell them about that bullshit and the lazy pricks get canned. No skin off your nose.

So, I'm a suck up, but that doesn't say much, coming from a coward.

Anonymous said...

"Anyways, they target you to do all the work, while they do nothing, and you just took it? It's called a Boss, you tell them about that bullshit and the lazy pricks get canned. No skin off your nose."

did that. guess who got fired? me! in walmart.

NT-ND said...

how? your way? or nt's? do it your way = respect! do it their way = suck up! nt's won't respect u cept for helping them slack off! they use jackasses like u! hi willing fall guy!

I don't know who set you up to come onto this blog and attack joeker

but whatever you're trying to prove it isn't working you are only showing your stupidity

joeker is not a "suck up" to NT's as you copied from me

he is a very brave person he has coped through being bullied by cowards like you and also found the humility to accept my apology after I attacked him.

or maybe I should put it in terms you'll understand

"U iz Teh N00b!!!!!!"

sorry couldn't resist :P!!


NT-ND said...

i don't trust nt's. u shouldn't either. i don't assume your life. u assume nt life. suck up!


stop stealing my insutls XD

look tell me honestly why did you come onto this website?

did someone set you up to doing this?

did you do it yourself?

are you a frustrated and lonely person?





sorry where was I ? oh yeah

joeker is not a suck up I realised it and so will you he is infact a very brave man he accepts who he is and post's his thoughts and feelings without giving a monkey's what other people will say to them.

he is far more brave then you can be yyou accuse him of cowardice when you show your name as "anonymous" ??!! where's the sense of that?!

Hypocrite much?!
