Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Monday, November 19, 2007

AFF: People, not Disorders.

You are cruel, cruel people. It sickens me that this is what AFF has come to; Crucifying an Aspie for not conforming to the group's ideals. Have you no shame? Read what you have wrote, and feel it then! You callously taunt and mock, and say vile, disgusting things and justify them with hatred.

I for one do not think I'm a neurobiological disorder. I am a person, a human being! I am not a disorder, I am a person! Is it fraud to be true to yourself? Is it a lie to want to be known not for a disorder, but for who you are as a person? I love a slow song, a sombre poem, a gorgeous moment in the dead of winter where the sky glistens with stars and the snow looks likes thousands of tiny crystals. I do love those thing, with all of my heart, me; not Aspergers.

You cannot see but black and white, and refuse to see anything more. If Wilky is not for you, then she is against you? Folly! By your own hatreds and lack of acceptance, you drive out those you once called brother and sister. By your own inability to be considerate to all Aspies, not just the ones you agree with, you make a haven into a hell. How many Aspies have you lost? How many have you driven out? What is Wilky railing against?
People come to AFF for support, for friendship, for community!
What is going on? AFF is not a haven, not anymore. It's a political thing, cold and uncaring. The members must follow the party line, or be cut loose.

When did we become a diosorder, and not a community? When did we follow out of necessity, rather than choice? When did we become disorders, and not people? Aspies have become more proud of their Aspergers than of themselves. We fear being cast out of our community, our friends, those we cherish and hold dear, because of political machinations.

We are people. We have families, pets, friends, possessions, toys, games, songs, goals, dreams, lives... We like to share a laugh or a joke, a song or a tear, our experiences and our stories. I love a good snowfall, another Aspie I know loves to create songs, and there's a Moderator here who's screen-name is that they like kittens. Are we a disorder, that we will no longer be without it? Or are we people, who make our own choices, walk our own paths, live our own lives? I am a person. I want to be known not for Aspergers, but for being who I am. I am not a disorder, but a person.

I am a brother. I am a friend. I am another person who is just like you.
We are people, not disorders.

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