Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Square One?

Apparently, Phil doesn't know the meaning of a clean slate.
He's removed the edit, and it's back to square one.

But at this point, I'm beyond caring. If he wants to go back on his word, it's his name to blacken. I apologized, and was sincere. But I'm not about to forgive all his trangressions because I can forgive a few. If he thought I'd forgive him for everything, then he was sadly mistaken. I am sorry that he thought I was infringing his opinions by refusing to give a clear opinion. I am very sorry that my conduct on Phil's World was rude. I am sorry that I interefered between Lisa and Phil.

But I am not sorry for everything else. If he thinks that my apology meant that I was going to leave the internet, or that I would no longer have any stances on important issues, or would stand for his abuses, then he was sadly mistaken.

And so, I'm done with Phil, and if he's not done with me, he can write whatever the hell he pleases to sate his sharp tounge and corpulent ego upon me. I don't truck with Supremacists, and their words only serve to show their abject hatreds.


Anonymous said...

Joeker, Phil is mentally ill. There is no reasoning with him. He just can not understand. You need to stay away from him. Try not to even think about him. Don't let him get under your skin. You will never be able to talk sense into him. Persue your interests and talents and don't bother with what Phil says or does.

Anonymous said...

I saw what you said to Flardox before Fore's blog was attacked, Joeker. If that's what caused Phil to reverse his alteration, that's your fault!

Anonymous said...

I'm a friend of Phil's, and you should shut up about him completely. Otherwise you'll have a lot of people here putting you down!

Anonymous said...

You've got yourself a peck of trouble now, arsehole!

Joeker said...

Anonymous, what I said to Flardox had no bearing on Phil's belief that my apology was not sincere. At least, I shouldn't think it would have any effect. What I said to Flardox was for Flardox alone. And should you have the time of the care, you'd find I was once very much like Flardox. I walked the path Flardox was stepping onto, and it led me to Phil and everything along the way. I happen to be glad that he doesn't seem to be on there anymore. He's stepped off of that path. Granted, this new path may be because of my intervention, and may lead to assaults upon my own blogs and my character. It may have even driven him to Phil immediately. But, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

So, it's not what caused him to reverse it. It's the fact that I had wiped my slate clean, and he scribbled a note into his slate about me. When I didn't vanish from the internet completely, and ignore his hypocritical and prejudiced views, his mocking of those with AS and their relatives, and that I pointed out his actions bluntly is what caused him to revert the article.
He said he'd do it if I apologized, and I did. I followed him to the letter of his demands.

I apologized for editing his wiki, and have made no efforts since to influence his wiki.
I apologized for getting in between him and Lisa, and this has been left silent, except for the fact I just raised it again.
I apologized that he thought I was restricting his beliefs about Droopy and Amanda, and have agreed with Amanda's diagnosis of LFA. I had to be sure that I was being true to what Amanda said, so I looked it up on her blog.

As I said in the article, though, if Phil wants to go back on his word, it's his name to blacken. I did as he demanded, to the letter. If that isn't good enough, then what is it he wants?

Joeker said...

The Oracle: A threat. How charming.

Oracle, why should I shut up about him, when he's the one with an article about me?

I wouldn't even be talking about him if he'd stop threatening me, accusing me, going back on his word and of course, if you charming folks didn't keep insulting me about him.

Lynx: I suppose I do have a peck of trouble. Phil works fast.

You really know how to state the obvious. I wonder, I really do, just why I'm getting all of this malarky now, from all of you. It is indeed curious.

Anonymous said...

You should shut up about him, because if you don't you'll have me, Lynx and all his other friends in here bawling you out! And keeping it up until you shut up!

The anon was right. I know it. The comment to Flardox DID have a bearing on it.

Oh and Phil said Autism with Amanda, not LFA. He didn't specify. And he also expected you to move on and you haven't. Boom. You never cleaned the slate you liar. You just put liquid paper on bits.

Joeker said...

I had no idea you'd go so low as to threaten me. You sicken me. Is this an act of friendship, something to do for a friend, mock, taunt, and threaten people because of a personal dispute?

Is Phil so unable to handle this that he has to send people to threaten me? Or are you just doing this out of the "kindness" of your hearts?

It's just the path that's walked. When someone follows a path, they reach a destination. I walked that path of ignorance and petty insults towards Fore, until I met Phil. And the meeting with Phil is what I wanted to keep from Flardox. And I suppose he thought that spoke volumes.
Fact is, he's reaching out to young Aspies on the web. He's building up support of the Aspies. He gets them while he can convince them of things, and gets them on his side. Soon, they're just as eager to help him as you are. And their better to him, because they're Aspies.

No, Phil didn't specify. Amanda herself did. She blogged about her diagnosis, and I read it, back when I was one of the Neurodiverse. Surprised, are you, that I was once counted as one of the ND? Oh yes, I was quite loyal. Until of course, events transpired which made it clear to me that I needed some perspective. So, I went neutral, objective. I saw some things, read some things, and realized a few things.

I'm neutral, to the point of being unallied with any of the groups out there. I'm friends of none of these groups, be they HA, ND, or any others. I'm just really against ND right now. And I'm being proven why that's a wise thing. I'd never be part of your side, and I see it clearer with each attack.

I moved on from what he was so strung up about. He was mad over three things. That I interfered because he was swearing, that I wouldn't give him a clear answer on Baggs, and that I made an edit on his wiki. I apologized for all of it, but if he thought that I was going to curl up and die, then he certainly was having some trouble understanding.

I wiped my blog clean, wiped it all clean. His actions after this are what's done it. He drew it onto himself. He reverted his edit. I held true to my word, and he reneged on his word.

I never said that I would give up.
And he was sorely mistaken if he thought that I would give up. Hypocrites are hypocrites, bigots are bigots, and Aspies are Aspies.

He doesn't hold a monopoly on being disabled.

Anonymous said...

Why should Phil not meet Flardox? Are you telling Flardox how to run his life? Are you telling Phil how to run his? You are - so you deserve everything you get in return. You are only responsible for one person. You. No one else. If you try another's pateience or whatever else you have to take the consequences. Looks to me like you can't. I have spoken to Phil. He was pissed off at the Flardox remark, and he SAID is represented the lie that you were wiping the slate clean. He SAID! So you are calling him a liar? You sick bastard. Phil is up front with everything he says and does - and you are the one twisting things to your own advantage.

So - a hypocrite is a hypocrite. Yep, and I'm talking to one right now!

Stop talking about Phil to anyone. Simple solution to a simple problem that you are blowing out of all proportion.

And expect more of Phil's friends in here real soon. No one you know from his Wiki. His other REAL LIFE friends!

You don't know Phil. You don't know his life outside of the Internet. So don't second guess him.

Joeker said...

Forgive me then, for trying to stop Flardox before he made the same mistakes I did. He may have gone blindly, or he may have realized the rot when it was revealed. And then he'd be in the same spot I am now.
Being hurt by the people of the group he once thought he was a part of.

Was he up front with his threats? Was he open to you all about how he tried to have my ISP cut me off? Or that he spoke with Mental Health Authorities in an effort to have me committed. Maybe he was open about the threats he sent me? Or the stalking he did to find my email?

Nor does he know mine. I'm not so petty as to ask my friends to come and gang up on someone online.

I guess if he's that much of a coward, that he uses his friends to fight his battles, then i'm glad I don't know him in real life.

Anonymous said...

I know about the BC government (not the mental health authorities) and your ISP. And I say good for Phil. He did the right thing - or tried to. You're obsessed!

He isn't here because he hasn't got time to fool with you. You're a pest to him. And you thought Phil didn't have any friends outside of his website. We're here to prove you wrong.

He didn't stalk you! You gave him your email address! Remember? You did that. Phil didn't search for it - he didn't need to.

You are the petty one. Grow up, get over it and act your age, preteen!

Joeker said...

Good for him? Really? And of course, the cops that were called on Phil by some anonymous idiot, that was an atrocity, wasn't it?

And as for that? He's too busy to deal with me? So he instead gets a trio of bully boys to take me into an alley for a chat? Great.

I did? Ah yes. Odd then, that he decided to publicly rake me over coals rather than talk to me and try to settle this whole debacle. What an asshole.

Get over it? aren't those the words Phil declares jihad over?

Anonymous said...

Yeah Phil hates them, but unlike you we respect him for it! You don't deserve a scrap of respect.

The visit Phil got from the cops was a result of a lie being told about Phil's activities. Phil was not guilty - so yes it was an atrocity. This isn't the same thing.

And he only emailed you a couple of times because the other blog modded out his comments. And he hated having to do that because he doesn't respect you. He doesn't believe you're an Aspie (I don't know myself). You were raked over the coals because you did the same thing to him. Ever heard of karma?

You deserve everything you are getting, boy. So don't whine about it.

Joeker said...

I don't need the respect of bullies, hypocrites and cowards.

Isn't it? Phil tried to have my ISP cut over asking him to email me, talk to me, to resolve the issue. He wanted me gone.
He sent the Mental Health Authorities after me back in August I think, because he said I was a danger to myself.
I'm not dead or hurt, now am I?

HA, modding out his comments? Heaven forbid!

Did you know the content? Did you hear his threats? I'd be a bit miffed, being used to fulfill threats. Like some kind of thug.

I deserve everything I get? Keep thinking that, then.

But apparently it takes two more people than before to give me what I deserve. Three organized, co-ordinated people, who, of course, fight me for enmity with Phil, not for what I stand for.

Simple thugs.

Anonymous said...

If we're thugs, you know what that makes you? A thug as well. We brought you to our level and you're wallowing in it like the thug you are.

Don't do it if you can't take it, arsehole!

Joeker said...

No. I was making valid points about valid topics. I was repeating people's own words to show the way they argue against the opposition with the arguments that they themselves argued against.

I did things for the sake of fact, not for the sake of vendetta. I showed them their lies and let them see their hypocrisy.

You thugs? You're here simply because the "boss" had need for some "bully boys" to come "teach" some "little snot" "who's who." Capiche?

Anonymous said...

Not one of your points was valid because they were based on a guess about the content. And the guess was wrong.

Joeker said...

You have no idea of the content, lackwit. You weren't there, I was.

I rubbed his nose in what he said about LFAs, about what he said about Amanda Baggs.And I did it simply by quoting him.

He yelled at me, you see, for saying that he was making assumptions about an anonymous user's brother. And he replied that he was talking about Aspergers. Here's one that he said.

"Your brother has been taught to hate himself"

Wow, huh? And that was one of three, and the others were much more specific about this guys brother.

He's the one that sent you. He said he didn't have the time. Here you are, attacking me for no better reason than that he told you so, or he cried some crocodile tears, or he showed you some stuff he'd yanked out of context and applied elsewhere to make me look like some trumped up supervillain from some kid's TV show.

Facing the facts, here.
Fact: He's gotten you two, and there are going to be more, to come here to do something.
Fact: He is doing this.
Fact: I refuse to call in others to do my fighting for me.
Fact: I'm still going to blog, and you two and your gang aren't going to stop me.

All this is doing is getting you two to waste time and energy in a futile gesture.

I'd pity you, if you weren't doing this.

Anonymous said...

Yeah he WAS talking about Asperger's. You took him out of context, arsehole! I saw the content because Phil recorded it. So did Oracle. So have a lot of Phil's friends. Phil's seen it happen to other Aspergers people. Oh you didn't know that now did you?

We're here because we want to be. Phil didn't order us. We agreed as a group.

And we'll stay until you stop blogging about Phil completely. We're not stopping you from blogging at all, arsehole!

Anonymous said...

Lynx is right. Phil was talking about Aspergers and his experience with it, and those that he has seen. Phil told the truth - you assumed all because Phil worded it so it hit the right target. You need a refresher in reading comprehension.

And I have seen what you wrote - as Lynx said.

Joeker said...

I don't have any reason to be ashamed. I will not be silent to him. He refuses to let Aspies be. They must join his side, or they are enemies.

I never wanted enmity with him. I wanted my neutrality. I wanted to be my own man, not a member of a group, dedicated to the bias.

Phil quickly turned on me when he realized I wasn't so gung-ho about saying certain things. I'd as soon not, I'd rather not, no thanks. He then put pressure on me, and then this turned me away from ND. I wasn't pro-anything, and I was deadset against being pro-ND.

He drove me to his enmity. I told him no, I tried to stop an argument where he was being absolutely horrible to a lady, and things degenerated. Then, I apologized for being rude on his wiki, and he refused the apology!
He wanted me to say what he wanted me to say, and what I had never said otherwise.

But you don't care. Call me some more names, make some more arguments, and swear a few times for good measure.

Anonymous said...

Joeker you are a fool. You opened up the closed wound with your message to Flardox. YOU. Not Phil. YOU! Still not ashamed? You should be because this is on your own head. If you'd just shut up this wouldn't be happening.

You are pro something. You are pro bullies. You are pro lying. You are pro hypocrisy. Phil is anti all these things and you hate him for it.

We know about Lisa. She asked for what she got. She was cruel and baleful and Phil gave her what for as she deserved. She lied and you let her.

You would be better off leaving Phil completely alone. You don't know who you are dealing with, whether it be him, me, Oracle, Lynx or the others who will come in here over the next few days. We will all keep at you until you realise only you can stop this. And the only way you can stop it is to promise NEVER to mention Phil's name to anyone ever again. And keep that promise.

You can not win if you don't.

Joeker said...

I warned him of the mistake I made. He's watching others, too. He likes to get the young Aspies on his side, so he can get a good group of creative minds. That's how it goes on his wiki. Article after article of things they say, and even a petition. I created that, and he bastardized it. I deleted the one I established, and I let it go. I had to give up so much to him, and he went back on his word.

You are describing Phil, and what it is about him that I am against. He's anti-bully, yet he sends how many of you dogs here to nip my heels?

And Phil took matters into his own hands about her. I thought it was over and done with. I agreed to let it go, to let so much go, and this is how he conducts himself? He shan't get anymore of his satisfaction out of me, and you can yap as long as you like, for you change nothing.

You're right, I don't know. But I don't care either. You can harass me, taunt me, mock me, but you don't know what you're dealing with.

He will not silence me. I will not be intimadated, threatened, and you will not break me!
I do not need to win, if I don't play. I do not need to win, when I cannot lose.

Anonymous said...

You are a joke. Your screen name is appropriate. You are up the creek without a paddle. Leave Phil alone.

Joeker said...

Wow. Just... just wow.
Thanks for keeping short, buddy.

I'm a joke? Good, I like those!

It sure is, it's my name combined with the card, the Joker. Clever, huh?

My blog, my rules. I have a paddle. *A paddle appears in his hand* See? Now where's that creek you were talking about?

I should leave Phil alone, while there's how many of you guys here harassing me?

Phil can just yap and sputter for all I care; I don't want to talk to scum who go back on their word over conditions he tried scribbling into the margins of my apology. I never agreed to shut up, and he won't shut me up. I have my rights, and he cannot deny them.

Fair comment it was, and sarcasm is hard to see if you want to take them seriously.

Anonymous said...

Well? Promise to leave Phil alone! Make a statement that you won't make statements about him anywhere any more - like the one you gave Flardox. Pull out of the harassment, and we'll respond in kind. That's how this works.

Anonymous said...

You don't know the meaning of a clean slate, dummy. Move on!

Joeker said...

Phil has no problem harassing me. After all, you just want what I wanted. I wanted to be removed from Phil's wiki, my words, the article on me, the works. If he can do that, then how can he do this to me? Doublestandard, *buzzer* HYPOCRITE!

You made Joeker say the word of the day, you get a special prize. Here it is, your very own Double Standard. It's like a normal standard, only twice the standard.

Then this, my interestingly named opponent, is blackmail. Or extortion. Something or other in duress?

You figure it out and tell me.

Anonymous said...

That's not harassment you dummy!

Get off the caffeine and go to bed. You need the sleep. The duress you are under is self inflicted.

Joeker said...

Well, aren't you articulate?

I wiped my slate. You saw it all. But of course, I never, ever promised that I would never mention Phil again. I did not, and that is a fact.

I apologized for the three things, and then wiped the slate of 'em.

Anonymous said...

No you didn't. Ask Flardox. If that's a clean slate I've got eight legs!!

Anonymous said...

You still haven't answered the challenge to make that promise. Or don't you have the courage? You can stop this you know. Is it because you like to fight?

Joeker said...

I don't drink caffeine, it's bad for you. I take it in pill form. =P
Just kidding, I haven't had something caffeinated in a few weeks.

By duress, I meant being forced to do something under duress. Like, "sign this document, or we cut off your fingers with a hedge trimmer."
You know, mafia style stuff.

Only instead of fingers, it's my attention, and instead of a document, you want me to shut up.

Hm. Let me think.

Joeker said...

Animus, I felt pity. I didn't want the kid to go through what I did. What I am going through now.

I think you got your answer, Mr. LotsofXs.

Anonymous said...

Then the harassment continues. And you have brought it on yourself.

Joeker said...

I don't like to fight. But I do hate to be forced to do things against my will, at the force of threats.

Seriously, you guys should do a Godfather spoof.

Anonymous said...

You had no right. You had no idea if Phil would even approach Flardox. So why warn him?

We know why. Because you couldn't keep your stupid mouth shut about Phil. And this is what is has cost you - plus the rest of the stuff you said, calling Phil WEAK! That really pissed him off and you know it! Do you care? Nope. And that's the whole point of us being here. You're getting your right whack for that.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like to fight, then do as you are told!

But you've already said you won't, so you are a liar. You love to fight! We'll accomodate you. Easy.

Joeker said...

Because he would have been. It's how Phil did it. It's how he got me.

He presumes to lord over me, I who have controlled my body through force of will? I did this. Phil did not. I am the strong one. I have cast off the strings. How many of you now? I lost count.

I don;t like to fight. But I hate giving up more. You brought this to me, I'll not cave to your will. You force me to do something, and you call it a choice? You sicken me, every last cowardly one of you.

Anonymous said...

You're the coward because you refuse to see that it's YOU who is in the wrong and that you brought this all on yourself. That was your choice, and you refuse to see that it was the wrong choice. Look what's caused! At least five of Phil's friends including me coming in to defend him and give you a taste of what you put him through. When you promised a CLEAN SLATE.

You are a liar, a bully and a spoilt brat.

Joeker said...

Spoilt brat dirt in my mouth. Bully my head in a toilet. Liar my face full of ants. I'm as spoiled as a fresh seed.

My life was not easy. It was hell. And mainly because of fuckwits like you. Big men, taking on a teenager. Watch out for the Grade Fives though, they'll put you in your place.

I'd fight you all just to have the shit beat outta me. I am no coward, and I don;t hide behind friends and have THEM do the dirty work. Scum.

Anonymous said...

Do your parents know what time it is, little boy?

Anonymous said...

We fight scum the only way a scumbag like you will listen. In numbers. You are against the flow of truth, and if we have to beat it into you we will.

Joeker said...

They're asleep, Tarpok. And I shouldn't talk to you guys, my parents say only pedophiles spend so much time chatting with teenagers.

I am the master of this blog, and I am unmovable. No matter your numbers, fool.

And I'd love to see you beat it into me. Assault 1, you thug.

Anonymous said...

If they knew you were awake at this hour they'd be pissed off.

Anonymous said...

We're the exception and we can prove it.

Joeker said...

Just a little. So long as I don't keep them up, and get in the morning okay.

Joeker said...

An exception? Please! I am the master of my own blog. I have no co-author. Only Google and I hold the keys.

Anonymous said...

Look at the time! They'll want to know why you aren't looking for work at 9am!

Anonymous said...

You don't hold any keys except a couple of little ones to a couple of cupboards. The real keys belong to Google and you can't have them without a court order. And you won't be able to get one. If it was that easy, Phil would have got rid of the other blog a long time ago.

Joeker said...

They know why. I won't reveal my life to you, but I ought to tell you, it's covered.

Joeker said...

I hold the little keys, yes. But these little keys still have enough power to wipe you clean out.

Oh, and I have a surprise, too, but to pull a page from Phil's book, I'm not telling youuuuuu~

Anonymous said...

I'll bet they don't. Maybe I should send them a letter full explaining what you've been really doing.

Anonymous said...

Those little keys are nothing, you little liar. Get out and smell the coffee. Phil was right - you have no idea.

Joeker said...

And I can respond with a few hundred comments directed at the sole purpose of harassing me.
Ow. Burnt, huh? Get some ice.

Joeker said...

Every comment here can be gone in just a few minutes. Poof.
That;s the power I'm wileding in my blog.
And of course, I'll set the moderation before bed. I think those'll be especially wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Not burnt at all. You need the ice.

Go to bed. You need the sleep.

Anonymous said...

Well as if moderation is going to stop us. That's nothing. Like I said - little keys.

Anonymous said...

Fucking get off Phil's back you little piece of shit. You asked for this and you are getting it from all sides. And it'll keep going! Until you move on and not mention Phil's name ever again to anyone! GOT IT???

Joeker said...

Alright Tarp, right after I put up moderation.

Where will you go, hm? Oh yes, you'll really go nuts on my other blogs. Grand. Then I'll have yo for all kinds of harassment.

Joeker said...

Hey, Boris, fuck you too. I'm not going to let some asshole like you fuck me up. I'd have killed myself years ago if I let bastards like you run my life. Do yourself a favour and pack it in. Your new nickname is GMP. The Great Mighty Poo. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

No, now. Get off this blog. Clearly you are tired as you can not debate properly.

Anonymous said...

Ooooohhh! I knew Borusa would let rip. Glad I was here to see it. And so much for your lack of profanity, Joeker. Borusa got you good! Oracle owes him ten bucks!

Oh we'll find a way, and you won't know where until it happens.

Joeker said...

What was your first clue? Naming Bo-something after the Great Mighty Poo? =P

Debate properly? You actually think I'm debating this issue?

I'm glad I have the self-control to keep from laughing, I'd wake up my parents.

As I said, I don't like profanity, because it gets me swearing right back. Too bad he had to go and do that. And this is illegal, by the way. You can't gamble, I'm not the legal age.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have killed yourself you worthless piece of shit! Yeah, Animus, I'll collect off Oracle Thursday night!

Anonymous said...

You aren't debating because you are tired. Go to bed.

Borusa - sorry, but that went too far.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Borusa I agree with Tarpok. I'll bet Phil wouldn't like it either. Too far, mate.

Joeker said...

Both gambling on me and advocating that I should have killed myself? Man, you're a real winner, ain't ya? Watch out for Phil though, the boss'd be real angry if you messed up.

Joeker said...

Tarpok, it;s like this. I can;t go to bed because you people keep posting. I can't stop talking because you guys won't. I can;t sleep, because you guys are here doing your thing.

Vicious circle, Tarpok, vicious circle.

Anonymous said...

You can always stop posting. It's easy. Log off, close your browser, shut down your computer and go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Animus and Tarpok! He asked for it! Get him mad - that's what I'm doing.

Joeker said...

And let you and your pals keep posting. You're kind of nice, for a stalker engaging in an organized conspiracy to committ criminal harassment.

Well, not really that nice, I suppose.

O Mighty Poo,

Your attempts to anger me are hilarious. I love writing in silly mode, it;s so fun, and it's great for mocking people.

Anonymous said...

Criminal harassment on the Internet? No such thing! In real life, yeah. But we don't live in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Funny huh? Do you own a gun? Your local school should look out if you do.

Joeker said...

No, but you are engaging in harassment targeted at forcing me to do somethign under duress. You want to force me to make a promise which denies my rights, and are spamming and harassing me until this goal is achieved. You are all a bunch of criminals, animals. I'd rather meet you face to face and have you slit my fucking throat than let you force me into silence!

You're a bunch of bloodthirsty animals, eager to please your master, warped, twisted bastards, taking joy and pleasure from torture.

Joeker said...

You're vile, bloodsucking scum, lowdown vermin!

Is there no line you fucking animals won't cross to force me!? Is there nothing sacred or without taint for you sick beasts!?

Anonymous said...

You tried to torture Phil, so cop it!

But Borusa - NO! That line was lifted from the Fore Sam collection! Stupid!

Anonymous said...

Okay, if Borusa's going that way, I'll head off to bed. At a more reasonable time than the little boy here. Good night.

Joeker said...

I didn;t try to torutre Phil! He was saying all kinds of shit about LFAs, and then dragging people down and trying to screw LFAs out of what they need. He was using Baggs as a reason to be an asshole, and being the worst kind of filthy hypocrite to make her all special. She was the LFA who's HFA, the golden LFA, and all the others are stupid, ugly, dirty, he says!! He mocks 'em and taunts 'em as he uses the poor people!

Anonymous said...

Don't fucking lie! You called the strongest mind I know fucking weak! You torturous piece of shit!

Animus, shut it. I'll say what I want to this waste of human tissue. He's put Phil through the fucking food mixer for no good reason other than his own petty shit world of whatever he wants to call his world....Bully Boy Heaven?

Hell more fucking like it, you sick cunt!

Anonymous said...

He never taunted all LFA's! You filthy little liar! He had a go at one, and she deserved it (I read that one as well).

Anonymous said...

Phil's going to have a piece of you when he sees you, Borusa.

Anonymous said...

So? Phil can criticise me if he fucking wants to. He knows I do things my own way.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you still went too far.

Joeker said...


You have no idea what shit i went throught, what i survved, what i had to live with. I too k conrtol, not Aspegers, ME!

I'm the one who made my will, made my body obey me, you have no idea what this took , no ide of the struggle its been just to be able to move when i want, not when the as does. I'm covered in scras, ave them inside and out, emotional and physical. I had to do it, there was noone to talk to about it all. I was tortured, broken, hurt in so many ways, and all by people i only wanted to frends with. I tired killing myself so many time i cant ccount em on my hands.

I lived therough all of that, and took my body for me. I could have been a suicide, I could have been a school shooter, I could have become a freaking emotionless sociopath, but I survived.

ever wanted t okill yourself? ever wanted to kill yourself because you thought it;d make evertone happy? Eveer tried killing self for that? Don you fucking try to make me your goddamn bitch i survved a hell that make you look like notheing, NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's possible to go too far with this shithead, Animus. If he was my son I'd give him a taste of leather!

Anonymous said...

Oh blah blah blah, Joeker. You won't get any sympathy from us. You don't deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Hey you know what you just did, fuck wit? Used bad things to justify yourself! What do you fuck around with Phil for? THE SAME FUCKING THING!!

Hello, hypocrite!

Joeker said...

Yo udon't desrve to live. You never fought for your life, oyu never had to live through hell, you never were alone foru uyor childhood. You never lived my life, you never did anything worht living for.

Anonymous said...

No, that's you - dickhead.

Joeker said...

Fuck you. may you rot in hell.

You came here to fuyck me uyp, to fuck me around. you cae here to shut me the fuck up, well fuckign do ti then!

Come one tyou cock, come to my house, bash my fucking head in slit my throat!

Anonymous said...

That's better, Borusa! That's more like it. Well said!

Stop trying to play the violins at us, Joeker. Phil had it hard as well, and you don't give him any space. Like Borusa said. If you want us to give you space - give it to Phil!!

Joeker said...

You don;t have the guts to do anything byut be a shit for braind bitch pansy and try to fuck me around you shitstain fucker.

You;'re phils fucking bitch, doing hid dirty work, fucking me up!

Anonymous said...

We got him, Animus! We got him going! He's lost control! Look at his typing, it's going to shit!

Joeker said...

Yeah the fuck right, come on.

Do it. Come to my house, slit my fucking throat, do it,shut my up for good fo phil, yeah

Anonymous said...

Yes, Joeker, and we're doing a fine job of it. Listen to yourself, you've lost control. And the only way you can regain it is to leave Phil alone. Real simple.

Anonymous said...


Slit you own throat! Do it! The world would be better without you, fuck wit!!

Joeker said...


Yeah th fck right, it's always like that,. it was the first tiem, the n the second, and how this tiem! its like a fucking slot machine with only one thing in it !

Anonymous said...

Aw no, Borusa, not that one again! That's not right! Too far, mate!

Joeker said...

cut myself? oh tyour to fucking muc of a pussy to do it hyourself huh!?

Anonymous said...

So play the machine, dickhead. Russian Roulette. Go on! You deserve it!

Joeker said...

that what yoyu want/? i knew it all along tyou want me dead! DEAD!

Anonymous said...

Breakdown coming!

Anonymous said...

We want you to leave Phil alone, Joeker. That is what we want.

Joeker said...

I'm back in control now. I'm oky. I'm alright. I'm calming down now.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you. You should have killed yourself. You don't deserve to breath oxygen, dickhead.

Anonymous said...

Now that you have calmed down maybe you'll realise just what this is all about. And accepted that you are in the wrong.

Anonymous said...

Borusa, SHUT IT!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck off, Animus. He upset Phil, so I'm upsetting him.

Anonymous said...

Okay, do what you want. It's after midnight and I'm going to bed.

Joeker said...

You low, disgusting, vile, shameless beasts. I almost... I was going to... I would've

You fucking assholes. You motherfucking assholes. Do you know how close... And you still...

Anonymous said...

Yeah? What stopped you, coward? A conscience that said "I should have left Phil alone"? Well, how about it? Either leave Phil alone - or end it.

Ross Lumbus said...

So the hot-tubbers were trying to recruit a young boy into their ranks (Flardox)?

I warned him off too.

Ross Lumbus said...

Borusa stop playing with yourself so much. It really won't make it grow bigger.

Anonymous said...

Joeker these assholes are insane. You can not reason with the mentally ill. Delete their posts and stop talking to them.