Blog of many Trades is devoted to blogging about ASDs. I am for ideas, not groups. I throw in with no one. Harassment, libel, and threats of legal action have put the blog on hold. Currently, this blog has enacted comment moderation. There is no guarantee that your comments will get through, and I check whenever I'm on, which is infrequent.

Monday, November 19, 2007


So, Phil's got some very eager friends.

Currently, they're insulting me, making demands of me, and making threats. I'm having a hard time of this. This is hardly what I'd call effective. All this is doing is making me yet more opposed to the Neurodiverse, and even more angry at Phil. Just what's the deal?

Well, I'm of a mind to begin the Comment Moderation. Just one more aggravation, and BAM! I'd be done with being nice.


Anonymous said...

So fucking apply moderation, coward! We'll just get to you anyway.

Oh in case you haven't worked it out - this is what happens when things get "out of control". (Remember what Phil said?)

Joeker said...

Hm, is it cowardice to stop this harassment? Is it cowardice to even the odds on how many to one?

You can't even bring yourselves to fight me one at a time, you bloody pack of cowards! I remember people like you from the schoolyard. You always had to form packs, to get up the courage to beat up that freak, the crazy kid. You'd come after me, and you'd beat me shitless. Different place, different time, different tools, same gang mentality.

Ah, so this is his threat in full then is it? I wonder which one of you hacked Fore's blog then. No matter. Out of his mind, more like it. I'll tell you now though; I hope you don't think I'll cave now, when I wouldn't cave against Hell.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's cowardice because you are happy to harass Phil on that other blog. And now you whine huh? You attract trouble because you haven't got out of the schoolyard yet! So where are your friends, huh? Bring em in!

Yeah we'd beat you up because you deserve it!

Oh and I don't know who hacked that other blog. Phil's bound to be laughing about it though!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Lynx, Phil isn't happy about it because he didn't record the posts for another update to his section on Fore Sam. He got the material Joeker said but that was all.

Anonymous said...

Oh OK Oracle, I didn't know that.

Joeker said...

One-on-one is ever so much different than organized groups. I'd only hold him to his word. And he'd dirty that a lot.

I'm graduated, knuckles.

I won't bring my friends into this. I won't ask such a thing of them. I took on my bulliers alone, out of a lack of friends, and I can take you three on and not bother my friends with your bullying.

I'd like to see you try. I'm not that little mouse anymore. I've got the guts to be blunt, and the nerve to back it up. Even if you beat me up, down and from side to side, I'd still not cave to you thugs.

Oracle: Too bad, so sad. He could've updated his wiki with the posts, and then given them to Fore so he could keep fighting with Fore over it.

Anonymous said...

Oh so you can take us on huh? It's only us two right now. There's more to come, arsehole! This place will be over run with Phil's friends and you won't be able to handle it! Act your way out of this one!

Joeker said...

Two of you can't handle one teenager? Pathetic.
You'll fare no better when your chums arrive. After all, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Ah, more threats. You really are quite brutish. And The Oracle has pulled a vanishing act, it seems.

I've sucked up getting gang-beaten by a dozen bastards, with sticks and stones and cheap, dirty shots. I think I can handle angry idiot thugs.

I don't have any need to act. I never act, really. I've learned how to adapt, how to be myself and be a normal person. I control the stimming and rocking, I overcome the sensory issues, and I know how to be part of soceity.

That's what's got Phil so out of control. The fact that I am in control, not my AS.

Anonymous said...

You are not in control. Phil wasn't either but you didn't realise that did you? He said "you haven't seen anything yet" because he knew if he sent a bunch of friends in to harass the hell out of you, you'd fall for it. Still in control? Nope.

You act. You took acting classes. So don't say you don't.

Joeker said...

I'm not in control? You haven't had much experience blogging. In my blog, I am the moderator. I am the Admin.

I'd fall for it? You guys seem pretty convincing. So, this was all a hoax? Thank god!

I took acting classes out of choice, and to fulfill standard grades. And I learned how to act simply for the fun of it. Haven't you ever wanted to belt out a line from an epic play?

Sure, and acting came in handy to teach me how to put expression and tone into my movements, gestures, and manner of speech. I can speak, and have emotions heard. Not an empty monotone.

All in all, I'd say between learning how to control myself, and learning how to be more expressive, I'd say that I'm more able to live life than before. It's been 3 years so far, and I'm doing swell.

Anonymous said...

You're not in control! We're taking control from you because we are diverting your attention. You can't ignore us, arsehole. Therefore, you've lost control!

So we got you!

Anonymous said...

Phil doesn't have an empty monotone either. He can sing. We had a trivia night and one of the questions needed a singing answer - and Phil shocked us! He's no Pavarotti, but he can hit the notes - no monotone!

Three years? Drop in the ocean. You haven't half as long as Phil has, and most of us are ahead of you as well.

Joeker said...

Hm... I admit, this is a distraction, but my latest article has gotten up okay.

But you two are quite annoying, no doubt. Especially the profanity. I dislike profanity. Phil may or may not have told you that, after all, that was the reason he got in trouble here.

Sure, I'm not above the odd cuss, but I mainly swear in response to profanity. Thus, I don't like swearing.

If you absolutely refuse to leave, could you at least make your threats and treat me like crap without profanity?

Also, I'm a big fan of eloquence.

Oracle: That's singing, sure. Plus, he's got his from experience; Mine, self control and it's gotten nearly subconcious, too.

I've been talking three years of self control. I do rock, and stim, but only when I let myself. Self control.

And also, I do enjoy a good bit of Opera. I don't know much about Opera, honestly, but I'm planning on going one day.
(If you're not leaving, I may as well strike up a civil conversation or two)

Anonymous said...

If Oracle and Lynx are annoying, it's just the start.

Phil did say you hated swearing and profanity. He left it up to us if we wanted to. I know Lynx said he would. No one else committed. I'm not going to.

But if you are distracted - good. That's what Phil wanted us to do. Distract you. Throw you off. And so far we are succeeding. Good work, Oracle and Lynx!

Phil doesn't sing opera - he hates it as we all do. Oracle can't spell karaoke, which is why he didn't mention it. Phil did a great version of Imagine. Nearly brought a tear to my wife's eye. So don't talk monotone to us. Phil's had radio experience, and he knows how to use a microphone at a wrestling show and other places.

You don't know Phil. So don't second guess his motives. Phil said you were getting it 99 percent wrong and we agree.

Joeker said...

Just the start? Goodness gracious.

Azal, that says a lot. I guess asking Lynx politely won't work then. I'm glad you're not. Profanity is so... untasteful.

Distract me? That's not a very good plan, now is it? Doesn't serve any purposes, now does it? And you did just reveal that it was the plan... So now, I won't be distracted. And what's the point in distracting me?

As I said, he's got experience.

And I wonder why he's so dedicated to Amanda Baggs? I didn't even want to say anything about her at all, but Phil did demand me to.

Anonymous said...

Moderation? What's the matter? Scared of the truth about Phil?

Joeker said...

Yes. Comment Moderation.

The matter is god only knows how many of you brats running about leaving your stuff all over, and the possibility I may get bored of you chaps. Doesn't seem likely though, what with all of the things you're saying, and the demands you're placing.

No I'm not scared of the truth at all. What I am scared of is that you'll end up in trouble for harassing me, organized and done by conspiracy(We've had enough people for it since beofre you arrived anyways) to fair comment, which, since Phil's grabs only got my comments, and not the main articles, are of no worth in or out of court. No context, no dice.
I don;t want to have to ruin your lives, but I'm starting to take your harassment even more seriously than when it started.

Anonymous said...

Good. There's only one way to stop it. Promise to leave Phil alone and say nothing else about him. Your choice.

Anonymous said...

Having a hard time? Good. You gave Phil a hard time. How does it feel?

Done being nice? You never have been nice!

Joeker said...

La la la la!

My choice, my ASS!

Animus, no, the only difficulty is in choosing which comments to respond to first! It's like a threatening Christmas in November!

I only gave Phil as hard a time as he was givng me, or Fore, or anyone else. He should have not gone on HA if he knew that people there would disagree.

Done being nice, yes. You see, I can be meaner. Yeah, totally.

Anonymous said...

Oh gee whiz aren't we in a tizzy over this. And it'll keep getting worse for you, you infinite nothing.

Anonymous said...

No you gave Phil a hard time because you guessed about what he was doing and you got it wrong. And you don't have the courage to admit it.

Joeker said...

Aw, another one. Are you breeding in here or something? More and more of you!

Joeker said...

Hm, sorry, I don't believe confronting someone who was suicidal is a good idea. Nope. Not good at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm not talking about the suicidal one. And Phil's got experience talking an Aspie out of suicide just for the record. Don't divert the subject - it makes you look even more cowardly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah another one. And more to come. Scared yet? GOOD!!

Joeker said...

Congratulations, but he was a bit late and not blood related for this one.

Then say what you mean. Gosh.

I'm really going to regret caling the Authorities on you. You made your choices, and I wouldn't be able to talk you out of this anyways. It's on your heads for it then.

Anonymous said...

Nope. It's on your head.

Anonymous said...

Call the authorities! Go on! I dare you. I double dare you! I dare you at least five times over! Honestly you need to see sense and the sooner the better.

Joeker said...

Oh, nice throwback.
No, it's on your head.

No, you'll find that conspiring with a group to commit harassment on a large scale is not generally liked by the law.

Plus, even if you can get a good enough lawyer to pin something on me, we'll be sharing cells. Well, or not. You'll be in your country, I'll be in mine.

Joeker said...

Wow, and your mob accuses me of immaturity?

Anonymous said...

It's on your head. Fact. Not one word otherwise from you can change it.

Anonymous said...

Maturity? As Phil likes to say - that's the pot calling the kettle black!

Joeker said...

I'm not a group of adults harassing a teenager for material gains.

Anonymous said...

You harassed an adult for material gain. An adult who told you to leave him alone and you wouldn't, even when he ignored you.

Karma's a bitch isn't it? Oh excuse me, you don't like the B word do you?

Joeker said...

I have nothing to gain. I wasn't harassing him. It was a discussion, one which he interrupted, began to spout abuse in, and made several disparaging remarks.

I put up with it for a while, and I decided to point out his hypocrisy. He began to insult me, so I responded with further evidencing my points.

Anonymous said...

There was no hypocrisy. You harassed him for no reason. You jumped to conclusions as Phil rightly said at the time, and you wouldn't listen and continued to harass him.

Joeker said...

It's a matter of who wil lsay what. After all, I don't have any copies to check against. The originals were destryoed by a hacker, and Phil's copies aren;t verifiable as an unbiased source. If the originals were up, that'd be a different story.

But as it stands, no judge would introduce such evidence.

Anonymous said...

Yes they would, if it can be shown that the file that Phil used to record the material was created before the hacking took place. And it can.

Joeker said...

But they can't prove it's untampered with. And any judge worth his salt knows evidence. Plus, I happen to know something you don't, if it comes to evidence versus evidence.

My evidence > Your evidence.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that very seriously. Phil has done nothing wrong unprovoked. We can prove provocation.

Joeker said...

As can I. It's big, provoking, was here first, and it's all about me.

More AS disappoinment.

Anonymous said...

If that's provocation you have a serious paranoia problem!! Isn't anyone allowed to expres their disappointment in you? Geeeeez!!!

Joeker said...

Aren;t I allowed to make a fair comment? Geez!

It's provocation. I made an agreement with Phil to wipe the slate clean. I apologized for three things. He didn;t have the decency even to wipe when he was done with me.

If he can pull that shit, why's he bitching at me? He's fucking king of the world, then!


Anonymous said...

*cough* sock puppets *cough*

Anonymous said...

That comment just goes to show how far removed from the truth you are.

Joeker said...

Anon; Oh snap. That is a burn, of the third degree.

That'd mean that... Oh, that is too much! XD

Joeker said...

And the truth is? It's fine for him to do this to me, but when it's done to him, it's criminal? I'm not buying that. You have to be out of your mind.

Anonymous said...

You'd better buy it because it's true. If you say it's criminal, then what you did (first) is also criminal.

Anon, the correct word is meat puppet, not sock puppet.

Joeker said...

So, Phil's above the law then? Fan-fucking-tastic. He just had to be that way, huh?

First? What're you talking about? He wrote More AS way before I did anything. That was actually WHY I did things.

Real historian, ain'tcha?

And it's funny how you correct him, but don't deny it.

Anonymous said...

I did deny it with the correction! Tarpok was right, you need some shut eye.

And what caused that posting, huh? You did.

Anonymous said...

Very well then.

Joeker said...

Did he give you the reasons? Ah, it's a fine tale. I caused it by inaction on saying Amanda Baggs is autistic, by telling him profanity was a no-no, and about my rudeness on his wiki. I apologized for that, and then for the rest. And he refuses to take it down. Is it so much to ask that he take it down? Or must he leave it there to show that he can beat teenagers?

Anonymous said...

No, he leaves it there - and he's told you this himself - because it's a part of his personal history. And it was caused by your refusal to admit that Amanda was Autistic, and your "taking your eye off the ball" with the petition. And your support of the other one (can't think of their name right now).

And the apology took a long time to come - only for you (YOU) to throw it back in Phil's face. I mean the one that brought the alteration that Phil then removed.

Joeker said...

A personal history online for the public eye is still defamatory. It'd be like me writing into a personal history that Fore called Phil... I dunno, something really offensive. And then Phil demands I remove it, and I say "No, I dun wanna, its a part o mah persunal histry!"

I don't get to do that, do I?
Cause if I could, it;d be awesome! I'd archive every name Fore ever called Phil and organize them by letter and offensivesness.

Anonymous said...

It's not defamatory if it's true. Phil wouldn't put something on his website that was a lie. That's not in him.

Phil has already recorded the name calling Fore Sam did anyway, so it wouldn't make a difference.

Joeker said...

If I can show you one thing there, on More AS Disappoinment, that is certifiabley dishonest, would you have any doubts at all? Would you even believe me?

I've been dragged back in to this mess, time and timne again, and when I finally crawl out, back in again!

Anonymous said...

That's because you stay there and you never crawl out. You just stay there as though you enjoy it!

I've read the article. There is nothing dishonest about it - at all.

Joeker said...

Here;s one weak point

Amanda is telling the truth. And what does Droopy do about it? Whine and carry on instead of standing up for herself and getting herself legal assistance to challenge Amanda's lawyer. But she doesn't do it. Why? Because she knows she's in the wrong!

Droopy can't get legal aid, she's tried. She doesn;t have the money, and there;s all sorts of problems with it, and so on. She wants a biography, so she can copyright her life.

And what Phil said about ignoring the correctio? no one noticed it. She didn;t I didn;t no one but him. He thought we wer being smart aleks or soemthing i guess.

Anonymous said...

Phil never told you how he knew that woman was lying about the correction did he? We know - he showed us.

And according to Phil there's another reason why Droopy won't take it to court. He wouldn't say though, but he's convinced that it makes her scared of a court room. Who says she can't get legal aid?

Ross Lumbus said...

Lynx said...

So fucking apply moderation, coward! We'll just get to you anyway.

Oh in case you haven't worked it out - this is what happens when things get "out of control". (Remember what Phil said?)

Do you think Lynx says this with a lisp and REALLY campy gay mannerisms. Why do I imagine it thus?

Ross Lumbus said...

"If Oracle and Lynx are annoying, it's just the start."

Ooooo....Just the start. Isn't that melodramatic? You guys are really tough.

"Call the authorities! Go on! I dare you. I double dare you! I dare you at least five times over! Honestly you need to see sense and the sooner the better."

Said whilst jumping up and down.
what schoolyard did you learn these taunts from?